No, you're a normal person.
The internet politics have just turned to rabid purity testing, where even reading what the opposition (of any issue) says is considered endorsement and betrayal.
A sane person will look abnormal in an insane asylum. And I don't know how to better describe Twitter than an insane asylum.
Because it's healthy to read and understand the thinking of the people who disagree with you.
If their arguments are irrational and the information they use is incorrect, you will get a better insight of how they came to forming their wrong views. It can help you avoid doing the same, and it can help you in arguing for your position.
On the flip side, if you find that their arguments are solid and based on facts, you might be convinced to change your wrong views.
I don't see how being a public figure should any difference to what I stated. Besides appeasing the crowd, I suppose, which isn't a good reason to do anything.