Yeah he is a bit odd! I forgot his favorite snack actually. Someone's sweaty smelly feet after a long walk. Seriously.
Oh yeah? Well heck you and your dumb frickin position you stupy dumb dumby dumb idiot small smooth brain moron. I'm right youre wrong !!!1!1!1!1!1!2!
Being a ghost would be amazing, imagine being able to exist anywhere, for free. Imagine getting to stalk world leaders and unravel all of the secrets.
Can you say gex?
Maybe he associates seasonings with salt, and he really loves salt. He is also a weird eater, he likes mashed potatoes, chicken tenders, yogurt, goat cheese (and some other cheese) and bonito flakes.
Or a facist bootlicker. Also hai !
I think hes more interesting in the seasonings 😆.
We've tried giving him plain cooked chicken and beef, and he promptly ignored them.
Hai flakey
Here's when I came home from eating some fried chicken.
BITTY! ive been too busy to jeep ip with bitty but its great to see her again .
Here's pinto watching his cat tv
Are you happy I @ed you lol (I have no idea what anyone is saying)