
joined 2 years ago
[–] weastie 10 points 1 month ago

This has been discussed thousands of times online so I don't feel the need to type out a very long answer.

The pure existence of modern day chickens is animal abuse. The closest known relative to the modern day chicken lays about 10-15 or so eggs a year. Modern day chickens lay eggs daily. It is extremely hard on their body, they have been selectively bred to provide output with no care for their wellbeing.

That being said, if a vegan were to rescue a chicken or something, and it produces eggs, the best you can do is usually feed them back to it. I know that sounds weird but if you feed the chicken back its own eggs, it helps recuperate lost nutrients, and they love it.

[–] weastie 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Scary if true, but I'm in the US and everything seems to be working for me. It could have been a temporary bug that was already fixed? Not sure

[–] weastie 8 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Nope, you can't assume the - is included in the square if there's no parenthesis around it. The answer is -9. Think of it like "0-3²" which is more obviously -9.


I know this is a really vague question, I'm hoping for some open discussion

For some background, I currently have 2.5 years of professional work experience, and I work for a large defense contractor doing devops.

My approach to ethicality so far was basically, I need to start somewhere before I can be picky. I got hired at a large defense contractor out of college, and now that I've hit the 2 year mark for work experience, I have some flexibility in my next job when I decide to do that.

If money wasn't a problem, I'd love to use my degree to do good for the world, or at least work for an industry I don't think is evil. And truthfully, even the lower end of CS jobs still pay better than the higher end of many other degrees.

But right now I'm looking at job offers, and it seems like if I move to a tech, medical, or financial company, I could likely see a salary increase of 30-50%, which would be huge for me as I'm young and have debts to pay off (though much less than others, I'm pretty privileged).

At the same time, if I took a tech job working for my city, I found a position that I am perfectly qualified for but it's a 10% cut from my current salary which I already believe to be a bit too low.

Just curious to see how everyone else has made these decisions. It's very tempting to follow the money and take the highest paying job, but I'd love to work somewhere I'm genuinely proud of.

[–] weastie 26 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Honestly, I hard disagree. Texting is so inefficient. If I want to have a conversation with someone, I just call them. It's so much easier to just get everything sorted all out at once instead of trying to send messages back and forth and you get distracted and forget to reply. Meh. You can so easily turn a conversation that takes hours, sometimes days into a 2 minute phone call

[–] weastie 22 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Especially in online meetings with no camera. Without seeing body language, I often think people are done talking so I start talking, but they were just resting between sentences. Oof.

[–] weastie 6 points 2 months ago

Perhaps most mammals and birds understand empathy, but plenty of animals in classes like reptiles, insects, amphibians, don't exert almost any empathy as humans understand it.

[–] weastie 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I might be naïve for getting some hope from this, but I would love to avoid service being cut. I don't really mind if fare gets increased.

Septa could be on par with European cities if it simply reduced its headway on transit. Maybe not on par, but roughly in the same league? I dream of a world where MFL and BSL get dropped down to 3 minute headway, and the busses down to 10-15 minutes.

I know a lot of the US is going backwards but please allow Septa to at least not get worse.

[–] weastie 8 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Am I missing something, why would you get less of any of those in a city? You would definitely go on more walks in a city, and I don't see how water or sleep would change.

[–] weastie 3 points 3 months ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but can't the president only pardon federal crimes? Unless if this happened on federal land I don't think he can pardon it

[–] weastie 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

To be fair, the word butter is very vague. Shea butter has no milk, apple butter has no milk, etc.

[–] weastie 15 points 3 months ago

Probably because "grunt" is a sound you usually make when unhappy.

[–] weastie 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I'm a vegan and I actually partially agree with your sentiment about "quick death + no pain = maybe not too unethical", and that's actually the justification I used for a while to defend why I wasn't vegan.

Just know that this view is not inherently incompatible with veganism. Go vegan because of the way the animals are treated while they're alive. Also, most animals are not killed without suffer.

Cows for meat are possibly the only animal we eat that actually sometimes get decent treatment, if they're pasture raised with no growth hormones. But non vegans act like this is significant. Only about 3% of cows get to live their entire lives on a pasture. I would commend someone if they actually held a strict rule that they only ate pasture raised beef, but I've never met anyone like that. That would mean you could never order beef from a restaurant, you could never eat beef your friends made, etc. unless you're 100% sure it was pasture raised. Because just about every other cow had to live it's entire life in a space so small it can't even turn it's head and doesn't get to see outside.

That being said, virtually every other animal product does not have that going for them. Chicken is never pasture raised (too expensive), their lives are absolutely atrocious and the vast majority of the time they are killed by being hung on an assembly line upside down.

I'm not going to go into all the details but just know that, even if you do hold the belief that it's okay for an animal to die if it is quick and painless, that you can still recognize that veganism is correct.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by weastie to c/vegan

Pre-note: When I mention "imitation products", I mean a food item that is trying to exactly replicate a non vegan item. Something like a black bean burger is not an imitation production, it's just an alternative.

I was bored so I started creating a tier list of vegan products and how closely they imitate non vegan products. I was trying to keep the list genericized with less emphasis on specific brands, but for some items the brand was really important.

What would you move around? What would you add? I only have a few items so far. I'll update the list as comments come in.

S tier - practically indistinguishable

  • Beef burgers (impossible, beyond)
  • Breakfast sausages (impossible, beyond)
  • Chicken nuggets/patties
  • Mayo

A tier - you can tell it's different but it's just as good

  • Queso dip (cashew based)
  • Ground beef (impossible, beyond)
  • Egg (just egg)
  • Butter
  • Milk
  • Ice cream

B tier - you can tell it's different and it's a slight downgrade

  • Deli cheese slices (some brands are C or F)

C tier - you can tell it's different and it's okay but a significant downgrade

  • Cream cheese (most brands)
  • Pizza

F tier - you can tell it's different and it's not good

  • Beef jerky

First off, I want to point out that I am totally on team /c/fuckcars. I highly believe in transit, walking, and biking.

That being said, I think it's fair to say that:

  1. Cars aren't fully going away anytime soon
  2. Even in our wildest dreams, it still makes sense for cars to be usable in some way, just that the other transport methods are highly prioritized.

So the discussion I want to have is about parking garages, and the hate I see towards them from the urbanist community.

I feel like parking garages vaguely align with urbanist views, because they are high density, and they allow someone to drive to a general area after which they can do the rest of their transportation via other methods.

To put it into perspective, I'd rather have 1-3 dense parking garages in a neighborhood than have street parking along all the roads plus wide open parking lots around grocery stores and whatnot.

I understand this is a lesser of the two evils discussion but it seems to me like parking garages are the clear winner.


I recently bought some multi grain cheerios (no honey in them) that I thought were vegan friendly. After finishing the box, I realized that they fortify it with vitamin D3, sourced from sheep wool.

Shame because they seemed like a healthy, plant based source of whole grains.


Every now and then, I love playing around with tremolo, flange, envelope filter, fuzz, creating really cool synthy and ambient tones.

And then I get to a sound I think is so cool, but then it just feels like... if I could have a second clean bass playing underneath those tones, it would sound awesome.

Like realistically, 99% of the time, it just sounds better when all the fun synthy sound effects are coming from a keyboard or an electric guitar, and then you have a mostly clean bass playing underneath it all.

And then I enter a loop of going back to clean bass, then I add just a smidge of effects, then I think those effects sound cool and increase them... you get the point.

Does anyone else fall into this madness?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by weastie to c/guitars

I somehow only just learned that daisy chaining all of your guitar pedals with the same power cable can cause extra noise. I don't have that many pedals right now which is probably why I didn't notice it.

I recognize it's probably more important for recording than for live playback, but are isolated power supplies worth it? It's a hefty price to pay.

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