
joined 2 years ago
[–] wccrawford 12 points 5 days ago

In theory, it's possible for games that don't use encryption. None of which are official Switch games.

[–] wccrawford 5 points 5 days ago

Normally I'd disagree (because games written for a single console don't do well with hardware upgrades), but since the old console already runs at different speeds when handheld and docked, I'd expect most games to be able to handle faster processors safely. We'll have to see how that shakes out. If it really does run them better, and it has drift-proof sticks, I'm quite interested. Otherwise, I'll wait a year or 2 until there's a good, cheap library of games for it.

[–] wccrawford 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Besides that "one weird trick", the other is to just include a diverse sets of people/cultures in your game. There's no need to push their agendas, just don't misrepresent them. That's actually what they're asking for, even. It's a lot more effective, IMO.

Trolls will still complain your game is woke, but they won't have any teeth.

[–] wccrawford 9 points 1 week ago

Gee, I think that's about the same time they decided that they community wanted more difficulty and made the decision to make the lowest levels of the game into bullet-sponges and to make no changes at all to the parts of the game that veteran players wanted more difficulty in.

Now it's super grindy for veterans, and not fun for newbies. Exactly the opposite of what was wanted by all.

I am not at all surprised that people are quitting.

[–] wccrawford 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I have another answer: It's because true innovation is hard.

We have a ton of super-popular violent games to source ideas from for new games. We take an idea and modify it a little, and it's fun.

We don't have nearly as many super-popular non-violent games to source from. They exist, but there just aren't as many of them, and they're generally pretty "cozy" instead of pumping the adrenaline. Sports/racing games are an exception, but "non-violent" still depends on the exact sport and implementation. Many of them aren't non-violent.

It's the same reason that fantasy often still uses elves, trolls, and dwarves. They're really easy to source from, and coming up with compelling new races that aren't essentially the same as the tropes is hard.

Indies are into innovation. AAAs are into money.

[–] wccrawford 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Right, hence I said "greatly reduces the chances". I know some people are still affected.

I think with careful, controlled exposure, they could greatly lessen this feeling (or maybe even eliminate it), but it'd be a long road and I question how important it actually would be to them, so I don't actually suggest it.

Personally, I love VR. I've always been an avid fan of 3D TV/Games and VR, and I always will be. I long for the day that AR is properly implemented.

But I also understand that others don't share that love, for personal or even physiological reasons.

[–] wccrawford 2 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

No, because they weren't for games and they pretty much had always-on video passthrough, which greatly reduces the chances of getting nausea.

[–] wccrawford 5 points 2 weeks ago

I think this is a pretty typical scenario for advancements. The old way was simple and easy to understand, and the new way is better, cheaper, more "green", etc. People around them will help them through the situation and it'll be fine. If it had been this way from the start, it would all be fine already.

[–] wccrawford 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Sure, but if he wants to play them, he'll need the client. And it sounds like actually does want to play them.

[–] wccrawford 13 points 1 month ago (7 children)

First off, I generally don't worry about DRY until there are 3 instances, not 2. With only 2, it's really easy to over-generalize or have a bad structure for the abstraction.

But otherwise, I disagree with the article. If it's complicated enough to bother abstracting the logic, the worst that can happen in the above situation is that you just duplicate that whole class once you discover that it's not the same. And if that never happens, you only have 1 copy to maintain.

The code in the article isn't complicated enough that I'd bother. It even ends up with about the same number of lines of code, hinting that you probably haven't simplified things much.

[–] wccrawford 11 points 1 month ago

It's one guy claiming people around him are happy about it. He doesn't even say that he is personally excited about it.

[–] wccrawford 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yup. Feeding the trolls. Doomed to failure.

Weird Underextrusion (self.3dprinting)

On the bottom of my prints, there's an area of underextrusion and I can't figure out what's causing it.

I first noticed it when I switched back to a textured PEI bed while trying to print ASA. It's on 20x20mm squares, and it's on the test print for setting up pressure advance... But only on the left-most object.

It's the same even if I add 2 lines of skirt or not. (In addition to my KAMP Voron purge.)

It happens everywhere on the bed that I've tested. It happens to PLA, but it harder to see. For ASA, it's very obvious. For PLA, it's almost as smooth as the rest of the surface, but it's there if you know what you're looking for.

I've only been printing PLA for quite a while now, so I don't know when this started.

I've got an LDO Voron 2.4 with Tap, KAMP, Revo hot end. I've calibrated pressure advanced and changed the value, and I've tried different z offsets with the textured bed, which doesn't change it. (But does change how good the rest of the bottom surface looks.)

Anyone got any ideas?


Weird Underextrusion (self.3dprinting)
submitted 9 months ago by wccrawford to c/3dprinting

On the bottom of my prints, there's an area of underextrusion and I can't figure out what's causing it.

I first noticed it when I switched back to a textured PEI bed while trying to print ASA. It's on 20x20mm squares, and it's on the test print for setting up pressure advance... But only on the left-most object.

It's the same even if I add 2 lines of skirt or not. (In addition to my KAMP Voron purge.)

It happens everywhere on the bed that I've tested. It happens to PLA, but it harder to see. For ASA, it's very obvious. For PLA, it's almost as smooth as the rest of the surface, but it's there if you know what you're looking for.

I've only been printing PLA for quite a while now, so I don't know when this started.

I've got an LDO Voron 2.4 with Tap, KAMP, Revo hot end. I've calibrated pressure advanced and changed the value, and I've tried different z offsets with the textured bed, which doesn't change it. (But does change how good the rest of the bottom surface looks.)

Anyone got any ideas?


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