
joined 2 years ago
[–] wavebeam 10 points 11 months ago

I got my first job at a pizza place at the age of 15. On my first day, the owner really stressed to me that the law says i had to have breaks, but that they were from laws written for factory workers who couldn’t leave their post to go to the bathroom any time, so it’s okay if they don’t follow exact timelines for my breaks because i could use the bathroom outside of the break time.

Fuck that guy.

[–] wavebeam 3 points 11 months ago

i don't think it's reasonable to say "most of the people are happy with that". Most people in the US are definitely NOT happy with how the medical industry or insurance works. But i do think it's fair to say that most people don't understand that voting for the guy that says they will prevent higher taxes is also working to keep the insurance system in place OR they would rather have lower taxes than better insurance (and are too dumb to realize that would be a net gain) OR they don't vote at all.

[–] wavebeam 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I work for an Android OEM; i am quite familiar with GMS and AOSP versions of Android. I was unclear what i meant - software choices on Android are highly limited when trying to avoid adware and trackerware apks. It's just unfortunately a platform where the value extracted from it is way more often from provide free but not great software that also mines your life. not too many options for great software that also doesn't mine you, free or paid.

[–] wavebeam 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (3 children)

I'm an iPhone user, and i'll probably stay that way, but I've tried to de-google my life as much as possible and I'd consider de-appleing if there was an alternative that wasn't google'd up. What do anti-google self-host folks do about smartphones? Android is "open" i guess, but it's crammed full of adware and trackers and all sorts of garbage.

Linux for desktop is an easy-peasy transition; linux for mobile, no so much

[–] wavebeam 7 points 11 months ago (1 children)

"we're children! we're children! we're children!"

[–] wavebeam 11 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Sometime last year I felt some lumps in my scrotum. worried it could be a sign of balls cancer, I went and had them checked. I have probably better health insurance than most people i know. Cost about the same. Outrageous. but hey, turns out i don't have balls cancer so i guess it could be worse.

[–] wavebeam 57 points 1 year ago (5 children)

"But that's all just Portland voters! All the rest us of didn't want that!" - My idiot father. Yeah dude, Portland is most of us. Your vote isn't worth more just because you live around less people.

[–] wavebeam 5 points 1 year ago

all of these can be simultaneously true

[–] wavebeam 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Let's say I got myself one of those arm-based single board computers that can run android. Is there not a way to install Android TV instead of "regular" android? i assume you're saying it's not because it requires GMS cert or something.

[–] wavebeam 4 points 1 year ago (4 children)

How would getting rid of ads work? Like logistically? Is a fancy box for your product an ad? Is eye-level placement of a product on a shelf an ad? Is the make and model branding in a vehicle an ad?

I would love to see less ads, or no ads, I’ve done all I can to remove them from my life entirely, but the magic wish kind of removal of them seems… impossible

[–] wavebeam 14 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Nah fuck that. Sites need to adopt this passkeys instead. It’s an impossible task for people to have unique credentials for every site, even if they are “memorable”. This is a design issue not a personal responsibility one. When designing for large volumes of people, you have to assume that the majority will do something easy and stupid over difficult and smart.

[–] wavebeam 20 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Remember that Kevin Costner movie “swing vote” where he was courted by the two presidential candidates because he was somehow the deciding vote in an election? I don’t remember how they rigged it that way in the story, or what the outcome was, but the premise of one guy being a deciding vote always stuck with me because it can happen in every election; we just don’t know who that guy is because it’s everyone

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