Richard "Culturally Christian" Dawkins can go meme himself out of the meme pool.
Welcome to dangerous bullshit awareness. Strap in and start reading, it's going to get worse.
Naomi Klein has a bunch of nice contemporary books to start to get a grasp on it. I don't know^*^ of a book that's specific to your case, but I hope that you'll understand that you're case is not that specific.
Where can I buy a traffic cone shaped rock?
But screens have gotten cheaper per unit of area!
Aside from that. Accessibility standards are hardly considered even now and I'd rather install a generated audio version option with some audio poisoning to mess with the AIs listening to it.
I've been thinking for a while about how a text-oriented website would work if all the text in the database was rendered as SVG figures.
pigs in a pig sanctuary?
Going to have to try that.
paper cuts