
joined 11 months ago
[–] veganpizza69 3 points 21 hours ago (2 children)


The s "squash" command is where we see the true utility of rebase. Squash allows you to specify which commits you want to merge into the previous commits. This is what enables a "clean history." During rebase playback, Git will execute the specified rebase command for each commit. In the case of squash commits, Git will open your configured text editor and prompt to combine the specified commit messages. This entire process can be visualized as follows:

Note that the commits modified with a rebase command have a different ID than either of the original commits. Commits marked with pick will have a new ID if the previous commits have been rewritten.

You can also amend for a softer approach, which works better if you don't push to remote after every commit.

The git commit --amend command is a convenient way to modify the most recent commit. It lets you combine staged changes with the previous commit instead of creating an entirely new commit. It can also be used to simply edit the previous commit message without changing its snapshot. But, amending does not just alter the most recent commit, it replaces it entirely, meaning the amended commit will be a new entity with its own ref. To Git, it will look like a brand new commit, which is visualized with an asterisk (*) in the diagram below.

You can keep amending commits and creating more chunky and meaningful ones in an incremental way. Think of it as converting baby steps into an adult step.

[–] veganpizza69 1 points 22 hours ago

This is a very tiny step, like a cow calf rising up and making a step right before they're abducted to a veal crate/cage far away from their distressed mother.


[–] veganpizza69 7 points 22 hours ago

Unfortunately, the "Processed Food Moral Panic" has been taken over by the meat and dairy industries, so people will not be learning why it's important to eat lots of plants as whole foods.

[–] veganpizza69 2 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

It's a waste of time, the "NOVA" system is subjective and it makes testing it a dead end. Your question will not be answered.

It also doesn't teach nutrition to the people; the core application of it is demonizing food that isn't cooked at home, as if something made in a small home kitchen is magically healthful.

If you want to get a better grasp, here's a nice and short read: (shorter than a book) Series 5: Is the Ultra-processed Food (UPF) concept useful, and for what goals? | TABLE Debates

[–] veganpizza69 6 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

This is the kind of stuff the timber mafia needs to know so that they can efficiently pack trees and send them to IKEA.

[–] veganpizza69 1 points 22 hours ago

I see, so you don't understand what's happening on the planet.

Don't worry, you're not alone, you represent the majority.

[–] veganpizza69 11 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

Remember kids: publishing negative results is hard.

[–] veganpizza69 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I think that it's you who should read more.


Characteristic processes of human evolution caused the Anthropocene and may obstruct its global solutions | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

We propose that the global environmental crises of the Anthropocene are the outcome of a ratcheting process in long-term human evolution which has favoured groups of increased size and greater environmental exploitation. To explore this hypothesis, we review the changes in the human ecological niche. Evidence indicates the growth of the human niche has been facilitated by group-level cultural traits for environmental control. Following this logic, sustaining the biosphere under intense human use will probably require global cultural traits, including legal and technical systems. We investigate the conditions for the evolution of global cultural traits. We estimate that our species does not exhibit adequate population structure to evolve these traits. Our analysis suggests that characteristic patterns of human group-level cultural evolution created the Anthropocene and will work against global collective solutions to the environmental challenges it poses. We illustrate the implications of this theory with alternative evolutionary paths for humanity. We conclude that our species must alter longstanding patterns of cultural evolution to avoid environmental disaster and escalating between-group competition. We propose an applied research and policy programme with the goal of avoiding these outcomes.

Figure 2. Dimensions of environmental management create an attractor landscape for long-term human evolution. Environmental sustainability challenges (curved frontiers) require a minimum level of cooperation in a society of a certain minimum spatial size. Alternative potential paths move humanity toward different long-term evolutionary outcomes. In path B, competition between societies over common environmental resources creates cultural selection between groups for increasingly direct competition and conflict. Path A, growing cooperation between societies facilitates the emergence of global cultural traits to preserve shared environmental benefits.

[–] veganpizza69 1 points 2 days ago

If you read the article there, you'll notice that it's more complicated.

I've also read a bunch of papers on it and it's not as simple as access. People have desires (often influenced by advertising and culture) and a certain segment of the planetary population believes that cooking is beneath them, so that it's someone else (very shitty) job to feed them while the hustle and grind to win the Dream.

[–] veganpizza69 6 points 2 days ago

From concentration camp to death camp


Greedy use of water reservoirs x Climate heating bringing more drought.


Greedy use of water reservoirs x Climate heating bringing more drought.


cross-posted from:

They're usually shredded alive almost immediately because they're seen as "waste" since they don't lay eggs

For some more context:

Why the egg industry 'shreds' baby chicks alive (NSFL)


cross-posted from:

They're usually shredded alive almost immediately because they're seen as "waste" since they don't lay eggs

For some more context:

Why the egg industry 'shreds' baby chicks alive (NSFL)



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