
joined 2 years ago
[–] veganpizza69 1 points 3 months ago

The problem isn't just on X, it's just more visible there.

[–] veganpizza69 7 points 3 months ago

If they're privileged enough, they can be both!

[–] veganpizza69 5 points 3 months ago
[–] veganpizza69 25 points 3 months ago

for shareholders

[–] veganpizza69 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Chuck is famous in Romania for having a traditional "ranch" thing and owning a bunch of rural properties (in Romania). He's not going vegan, he own animals: (use your own translation tool)

[–] veganpizza69 5 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

"NOM" is an onomatopoeic term for eating (an eating sound).

[–] veganpizza69 3 points 3 months ago

And they will use every tool like media, social media, TV, film, and more to keep us that way.

You forgot about the giant holy cow in the room.

[–] veganpizza69 9 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Coming up with novel indicators is not enough. "GDP" isn't simply about measuring economic growth, it's about labeling the desirable feature for the economic elites. The obsession with growth predates GDP, it even predates Capitalism as it's based on the much older "tradition" of imperialistic expansionism.

One of the reasons "degrowth" is useful is because it's antithetical to capitalism and capitalism's growth imperative, so it can't be co-opted by capitalism. When you promote "regenerative", you promote a term that has already been co-opted, most infamously now with the "regenerative grazing" pseudoscience.

heel our planet


[–] veganpizza69 4 points 3 months ago

For instance, even in a doomsday scenario (for them) of the French Revolution, the rich will have personal security guards. These people will be paid very well (relative to the general population), which will keep them loyal enough. They will eat at secure restaurants (similar deal), and enjoy activities in secure locations.

In a collapse scenario, their money will be worthless.

[–] veganpizza69 45 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

It's certainly part of the catabolic stage in the system's decay. Due to many reasons, both at the input side and the "drowning in waste" side (example: GHGs waste causing climate destabilization), growth is going to falter which means that the "sharing" strategy of the rich, of the oligarchs, is going to stop working. You may know it as "grow the pie" (instead of "share the pie"). The rich get richer, the rest get poorer, and there are going to be a lot of poor people. That means a lot of desperate people and a lot of people with nothing left to lose.

What you have to watch out for is perhaps two strategies that can stop this:

  1. Scapegoating: vulnerable minorities and more. The rich of a certain ethnicity may become the scapegoats, instead of .... you know, ALL of that class. This would be a misdirection of attention.
  2. Jingoism, chauvinism and various forms of ultra-nationalism. This would be a misdirection of violence... instead of "punching up", it becomes "punching the foreign threat", which means war.
  3. Combined 1 & 2. It's usually called fascism.

Something to print:

On a related note, I really liked the recent season of "Arcane" (both seasons are great).

[–] veganpizza69 2 points 3 months ago

It's not really an option. The real question is if people will be fine with promoting famine (could be far away) instead of eating rice and beans.

Here's an example from about a century ago:

[–] veganpizza69 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You don't even know what those words mean. Sigh.


Humans regularly engage in efficient communicative conversations, which serve to socially align individuals1 . In conversations, we take fast-paced turns using a human-universal structure of deploying and receiving signals which shows consistent timing across cultures2 . We report here that chimpanzees also engage in rapid signal-to-signal turn-taking during face-to-face gestural exchanges with a similar average latency between turns to that of human conversation. This correspondence between human and chimpanzee face-to-face communication points to shared underlying rules in communication. These structures could be derived from shared ancestral mechanisms or convergent strategies that enhance coordinated interactions or manage competition for communicative ‘space’.


cross-posted from:

Adam Britton, a leading zoologist who has worked on BBC and National Geographic productions, pleaded guilty to 56 charges relating to bestiality and animal cruelty.

He also admitted to four counts of accessing child abuse material.

The Northern Territory (NT) Supreme Court heard the 53-year-old filmed himself torturing the animals until almost all died, and then shared the videos online under pseudonyms.

His abuse went unnoticed for years, until a clue was found in one of his videos. Britton was arrested in April 2022 after a search of his rural Darwin property, which also uncovered child abuse material on his laptop.


Climate change is real. We all know that. But, Jordan Peterson does not. Today, let's go through the science and see if we can convince him.


Climate change is real. We all know that. But, Jordan Peterson does not. Today, let's go through the science and see if we can convince him.


David Choffnes @[email protected]

Hello! My lab is running a compensated research study and crowdsourcing participants.

The purpose of this research is to investigate recently produced cars that may share personally identifying information. These “connected cars” are recently produced cars that include always-on internet connections, collect and transmit data about the vehicle and the driver, and incorporate companion smartphone apps.

If you decide to take part in this study, we will ask you to request your personal information from your vehicle manufacturer, wait for the manufacturer to provide you with your information, review the data to confirm that you are comfortable sharing the data with the research team, and then share the provided data from the vehicle manufacturer with the research team.

link in the toot

Nuclear is Not a Viable Solution (
submitted 7 months ago by veganpizza69 to c/uninsurable
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