Yeah these are tricky social and technical problems that will be solved one way or another. Corporations can solve it behind closed doors, but I'm glad that governments are also trying to solve it.
If we have the opportunity to criticize the government's solutions then than means there is transparency, which is more than we would get from many corporations.
TIL the nickname 'maccas' https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nicknames_for_McDonald%27s
Yeah I find that a lot of FOS software is missing some features compared to commercial software. But many times after the initial learning curve it's really not missing as many features as I thought. For example OM has a super easy way to record a track, which GM doesn't have, and I now use it often for new hikes so I can find them again.
FOSS represents a world I would much rather live in, I think it's a more equal world, so some minor inconveniences and even donating small bits of time and money to help the project succeed is a feature that is important to me.
I have tried this. I got crushed by many of the paper planes.
The population is 67 million. I know there are probably people that go through multiple a week, but the average is 1 in 8 people are throwing out a vape every week. That's crazy.
Vegan? What? How?
Yeah but what life event causes some people to forever write in all capital letters?
Yeah, Wikipedia is such a stable and positive force in the internet and directly reaches so many people. It's easy to take it for granted but the internet would be so much incredibly worse without it.
I happily donate.
I want any organization that has shown that much commitment to making the world better to be well supported.
Wow very cool. The narrator does a great job.
How cool. Thank you so much.
That's a good point. I don't know of a location history available in OM that tracks you all the time. Yeah I haven't totally moved away from GM myself.
If you want to track yourself you can open the hamburger menu and turn on "Record Track". This will keep sampling your gps in the background and showing breadcrumbs of where you have been. Then if you save it, the breadcrumbs will turn into a solid line that will remain on your map. Other than seeing where you were, you can't see what time you were at each place within OM. If I care to see time history I export the track as a .gpx file and read it with other software. For hiking I use camptocamp.org.
I assume OM's tracking will waste more battery than GM's location history which isn't as accurate but serves different purposes.