
joined 2 years ago
[–] varden 4 points 3 days ago

Enemas work really well at cleaning you out. I'd recommend getting some but check to see what's in it before using it. Generally, replacing the saline solution with just warm water is recommended, otherwise it might cause an "incident". They often have an effect that causes your body to try and get rid of anything in there. Great for when you're blocked up, but if you're planning on anal then you might feel the need to go at an in-oppertune moment.

Also try earing plenty of fiber the day before if possible, it'll make movements easier and more clean. When you have the proper amount of fiber, poop sticks to itself better and it makes passing it easier and less messy as well.

[–] varden 3 points 5 days ago (2 children)

God I laughed so hard when it cut to his face before cutting back to Henry. Absolute shit-eating grin (pun intended)

[–] varden 1 points 1 week ago

Personal recommendation: Kingdom Come Deliverance. The second game just came out earlier this month, but I have put hundreds of hours into the first game.

I'm also a huge fan of dishonored, prey, and other Arkane games for the stealth, writing, etc. KCD is similar in that there are great stealth mechanics and role playing options (albeit a bit of a genre-jump going towards historical fantasy).

Sometimes you want to sneak into a place and steal something, sometimes you want to get it honestly without entering into combat, sometimes you want to just fuck some shit up with a sword.

The game is known for having a pretty difficult start, which threw me off of playing it for years. But around the third time that I tried it and actually stuck with it, I figured out how the game actually works, and my god it is a masterpiece.

If you decide to give it a try, here's some tips.

  1. Stick with it. The game is difficult starting off but gets tremendously easier as you move through it. This is meant to reflect real life; when you try something new for the first time, you'll probably suck at it. A blacksmiths son in 1403 Bohemia would have no idea how to shoot a bow and definitely never practiced with one before, so when you first start shooting arrows, your bow will be very shaky and it'll be hard to keep it still and aim properly. But if you put in the time, you'll get a lot better. It takes some time, but your hands will get steadier and you'll start zooming in more when you aim. Same thing with pretty much every other skill in the game. Practice makes perfect.

  2. Crime is illegal. Most games I've played don't really punish you for breaking the law, but if you're caught with your hand in someone's purse, you'll have a very hard time talking your way out of it (at least at first). You can absolutely be a thief, but you gotta be a smart thief. It's a lot easier to sneak around wearing dark, quiet clothes at night when everyone is asleep, rather than clinking and clanging around in armor in broad daylight. Visibility, Noise, and Conspicuousness are stats that are tracked to make it easier to see how obvious you're being. It is pretty difficult to get away with murder, but possible. You can also go through the entire game while being a perfect little Christian boy and not killing, stealing, or fucking anyone if you so wish!

  3. Melee combat skills increase very quickly early on, and there is a perfectly safe place to practice your skills: the Rattay Tourney! Happening around once a week or so, the tourney is an incredible way to get combat xp early on. Speak with the Herald (cool hat, sitting by campfire outside combat arena) in the northern part of Rattay to join the tourney once it is time. IMPORTANT! SPEAK WITH CAPTAIN BERNARD BEFORE ENTERING THE TOURNEY. HE WILL TEACH YOU SEVERAL USEFUL MOVES, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY HE WILL TEACH YOU "MASTER STRIKES", A PERFECT PARRY THAT CANNOT BE COUNTERED. YOU CANNOT WIN THE TOURNEY EARLY IN THE GAME WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO DO THESE. Don't get discouraged, the master strike is just a "perfect" parry that is very easy to pull off, but it cannot be done at all until you learn it from Bernard. (If you manage to win the tourney on your first attempt, you will level up several of your combat skills multiple times by the end of it.)

  4. Saving the game is important. The devs went in a unique direction with this. You can only save the game (manually) by sleeping in a bed you own (for a minimum of one hour), drinking Saviour Schnapps, or by using the "Save & Quit" option in the pause menu. You will need to find, steal, or buy Saviour Schnapps, or make it yourself using alchemy! If you are out, don't be afraid to use the "Save & Quit" option and then relaunch the game to load that save (the Exit save slot can only be loaded from the main menu, this is improved in the sequel as you can load it at any time).

  5. Alchemy is great! It starts off very slow with an impressive manual process, but there is a perk you can get that will let you automatically create potions that you have made manually at least once. If you don't mind a bit of a grind, spending an hour or two making any random potions will get you to the point where you don't really need to worry about having to manually create potions ever again. Keep in mind, you will need to follow recipes to successfully create the potions, whether you actually have the recipe or not. You can also sell your potions to make a fair bit of early game gold.

  6. Sequel. If you decide to start this series, absolutely start with the first game. It is a continuous story, the second game picks up right after the first one. In addition to that, the sequel introduces so many quality of life improvements that it would be difficult to go back to the first game afterwards. (Also, as much as I am loving it, KCD2 is still pretty buggy since it just came out this month).

The game is a masterpiece. Gorgeous asthetics, historically accurate for the most part, super fun to play, and massive.

Jesus Christ be praised!

[–] varden 4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Just a heads up to anyone that wants to play this, the switch version runs very well on the high seas. Just finished playing it for the first time and started rdr2

[–] varden 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I have always done it the way in the pic above, but I just found out recently that you can just turn it 90° and cut it in the manner you're describing. So if you are using the same type of can opener then you could probably just turn it like in the pic and try it that way.

IMO it cuts better your way but also leaves a more sharp top on the can

[–] varden 8 points 6 months ago

I don't have a link for you or anything but just want to point out that it's not just roads that are covered over time, otherwise archeology would be basically non-existent. For example, if ancient Roman stuff is commonly found in the UK ~5 ft or more under the ground, it makes sense that the roads would also be 5 ft under ground.

A lot of the roads that the Roman's used are routes that are still in use today. If you're going to pave a road from point A to point B, and there is already an old road there, might as well just build the new road right on top of the old one. You even out the sides of the road when building it, add some natural/artifical sedimentation over the next hundred years, and boom, the road and the whole area around the road is a few inches higher than it used to be.

This happens a few times over a few centuries and you end up with something that looks like the above. I'm not saying that that is an actual slice of a real road, but I don't think that it necessarily means that it's not possible.

[–] varden 3 points 8 months ago

It's a tough fight, especially the first time. Firecrackers help a lot. This boss is required to advance the story, but if you're struggling with it, you can just leave and do a ton of other stuff before doing this fight, that'll help you level up and get stronger so it's not as hard of a fight.

[–] varden 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

Aspyr does remakes/remasters and ports of games, the stuff listed on their page should all be games they've remastered/remade, or ported to PC/Mac AFAIK. That's why they have things like COD and Star Wars listed.

[–] varden 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Jumping in here to say that I have worked in an office for a while and we had a Kyocera, definitely seems to be on the more reliable end of printers in my experience

[–] varden 1 points 1 year ago
[–] varden 11 points 2 years ago

In the US (at least where I'm from) we have a similar saying that goes:

Your freedom to swing your fist ends where my face begins

Same essential meaning but some people here just don't get it.

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