Pray all ya want. Last few years have proven that phone is off the hook. We'd be seeing targeted plagues and brimstone if it were.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion. The MAGAs have been spoonfed bs that caring for minorities and disabled is stealing their jobs and money.
I'll give him Afghanistan as he organized the withdrawal... but we saw how big a fuckup that was, so bravo for ending that war after 20 years, but proves he has no idea what he's doing.
People forget that popular comedians are usually incredibly intelligent. Conan graduated MCL from Harvard.
Just a reminder: the Nazis went after the "infirm" first.
Big box stores vary prices by regions. So no vpn makes sense.
When it comes to emissions laws, car co usually build a range just for California. It's not hard to slate a few days just for a different exhaust.
They'll most likely try to pull off a setup similar to China.
I thought everyone heard the saying as a child to not trust lawyers, politicians, and weathermen because they all lie.
We shooould, but the virus is causing delays and it's spreading quicker than be contained.
Honestly I upgrade every few years and isually have to purchase a new mobo anyhow. I do think this could lead to less options for mobos though.
Living in a red state I believe the election was fair... but the cult is all too real. So is gerrymeandering.