I'm an atheist who doesn't beleive in god and, also, a christian.
Don't worry, as the Internet is forever, you've already criticised dear leader. We just have to hope they don't get into power.
I mean, you might as well call it the Walmart expansion model
I feel like 37 glasses of water should technically count as drowning
And they say you guys are humourless!
I wasn't being too serious tbh. However, as we're here, I feel like fairytales might have been around a little bit longer than nazis.
You should read about how the Franks "christianised" German saxons and then cross reference that with the time period those kinds of fairytales come from, as we're swapping reading ideas. It's just a guess on my part of course.
Apologies for interrupting your work.
There's no paradox. Although, Karl Popper's words are as good as any.
My point is, no one said "the left have to tolerate everything." In fact, not tolerating capitalism is the defining feature of all left leaning ideologies. More so, where you are on the scale of leftism is based almost entirely on the extent to which you won't tolerate capitalism. Rhetorically, for what possible reason would the left ever have to tolerate nazis, in the first place? Who said they did? Where are they? Of course, no one said they did.
I found it's best to, rightly, just reject the false premise of it being a paradox out of hand. The type who use it know its BS too.
Burned alive for using the wrong sewing technique / burned alive for worshiping the wrong god or maybe the "right" God but, in the wrong way, who knows?
Either way, somehow, someway, the idea of being burned alive for not following rules seems to be almost literally burned deep into the Germanic saxon psyche.
They're not a humourless people. They're just terrified someone might catch them not working or following the rules and laughing isn't working.
Fair enough, most people tend not to enjoy being incapable of understanding something so very simple. I mean, if you enjoyed that, I can only imagine how much fun you'd have disagreeing with what was actually l being said.
Oh well, I'm glad you're still managing to find a way to have fun though. Well done you.
We got football, pints and coke for that, mate
Wait a minute
Conservatives want you to carry on working for them. Talkies just want to change who you work for. Both can get fucked.
Yup, I took a large venti in your bathroom
Always have done. They just take time and, not that you've said otherwise, they're not a magic bullet.