
joined 2 years ago
[–] ultranaut 6 points 3 months ago
[–] ultranaut 3 points 3 months ago

My personal life is very different, I'll generally talk about whatever with friends or even people I've just met. I think I am very unprofessional when I'm not working, it's only when I'm working that I'm like this.

The point about drama isn't necessarily about me sharing drama, there's way more potential catalysts beyond that. Office politics can get crazy and all sorts of things can create weird drama. Being the boring person who is nice to everyone but only talks about work topics is an effective way to avoid that kind of bullshit.

[–] ultranaut 9 points 3 months ago (2 children)

There's a difference between being on friendly terms and being friends. I'm on friendly terms with everyone I work with, I'm not friends with any of them. Even those I've worked with for many years. I'm not at work to make friends or hang out or talk about personal issues. I'll listen politely to whatever a coworker wants to say to me, but if its not about work I'll try to redirect the conversation or end it as politely as possible. For me it's about professionalism; if we're not talking about a work related subject, we are off topic and wasting time. There's also the potential for drama that comes with people at work knowing about your personal life and keeping a strict division between work and home avoids that risk.

[–] ultranaut 1 points 3 months ago

I don't think you have understood any of my points. Reread my previous comments, this is addressed.

[–] ultranaut 5 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I'm not sure what you mean about a historical standpoint. I don't think there's anything in the historical record that could be considered actual evidence of supernatural phenomena. History as an academic discipline is a kind of science and generally approaches the subject matter with the scientific method.

[–] ultranaut 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Citing tariffs doesn't make sense. There's no new tariff structure yet, Trump isn't in office and as far as I've seen no one has suggested imposing tariffs on VPN services. It looks like they are just using tariffs as an excuse to raise prices.

[–] ultranaut 24 points 3 months ago (12 children)

Supernatural phenomena do not actually exist as far as I can tell. There's no actual evidence to my knowledge, and plenty of evidence that humans are not particularly good at perceiving or interpreting the universe around us as it actually is. Our brains are not a reliable narrator, supernatural phenomena are most likely a consequence of this rather than anything genuinely supernatural.

[–] ultranaut 13 points 3 months ago (5 children)

Because they are both dependent on people who are no longer being born? The scenario is a population collapse, it's going to have major consequences. The labor shortage alone would destroy the economy and upend society. Our civilization would look completely different within a generation.

[–] ultranaut 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

That's good to hear, I hope you're able to keep it up. I'm sure you've heard this before but just in case, if you haven't you should really consider also running a long term buy and hold portfolio. Fund that Roth IRA every year if you can. It's a whole lot easier than active trading so it really shouldn't take up much time and when you're an old person you will be glad you've got that pile stashed away.

[–] ultranaut 5 points 3 months ago (3 children)

If you're trading stocks based off Reddit info you should really know WTF you are doing and have additional sources of info to back up any decisions you are making because you are playing a very dangerous game. Unless you've already been investing for years and have a sizeable portfolio I would encourage you to reconsider the path you are on and build up some capital and knowledge before attempting any kind of active trading.

[–] ultranaut 8 points 3 months ago

Their official marketing is to call Windows 11 "the most secure version of Windows ever" or something along those lines. They definitely use "the most secure" in their marketing, but I think they do it in a way where it is only in reference to previous consumer versions of Windows if you actually parse out what is being said.

[–] ultranaut 2 points 3 months ago

I tried to run the Teleport PC client with my Index but it didn't work. I get an empty black space with a few white words stuck to my left controller.

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