
joined 1 year ago
[–] tux 17 points 12 hours ago

Man someone needs to get a class action lawsuit of as many Haitian immigrants in Ohio together as possible. Sue the fuckers

[–] tux 1 points 5 days ago

Good morning sir/ma'am I'm here to tell you about our Lord and Savior Linus Torvalds. He sacrificed his wallet to bring you a free and open operating systems. We don't judge what flavor of Linux you use. As long as you agree that Linus saved us from Bill Gates who stole ancient secrets from the ruins of Xerox Parc and has since embraced the evil that is bloat ware.

Through Linux you can be saved!

[–] tux 2 points 1 week ago

Luckily I don't play a lot of big title shooters anymore.

[–] tux 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Haha, for non-gaming I already have. The main gaming PC has always been Windows ever since trying gaming on Linux over a decade ago. Been having no issues though lately on my laptop I use for travel. So it's probably time.

[–] tux 9 points 1 week ago (3 children)

When EOL for 10 happens I'm making the full move to Fedora

[–] tux 2 points 3 weeks ago

The first was simply amazing. Yeah the second got a bit cringey with him just all around perfect and banging everyone. But we do have a flawed narrator so I'm hoping it was something like that. Really just hate that not only will we probably never get the ending but Rothfuss seems to be an ass about it. Even blowing off the charity chapter, and then always being super aggressive/angry when people call him out.

If we get something I'll read it for sure. But 100% doubt we'll get an ending as good as the start. Which is probably why Rothfuss is stuck

[–] tux 13 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Save your money and time until it gets finished. (I really don't think we'll ever get the ending at this point).

Not worth getting invested in the story where we'll never see an end

[–] tux 13 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Not a lot of need for the app. But it's horse crap they're ALSO removing Bluetooth.

As someone who owns a bunch of their products I'm bummed that it's another company to not buy from anymore. It's like every good product gets ruined by a greedy CEO

[–] tux 6 points 1 month ago

It will lol. Just got an apple tv for my new tv instead of Google cause on my Google TV devices I have shit like Burger King ads.

[–] tux 10 points 1 month ago

From Wikipedia: Link The Argand lamp had a sleeve-shaped wick mounted so that air can pass both through the center of the wick and also around the outside of the wick before being drawn into a cylindrical chimney which steadies the flame and improves the flow of air. Early models used ground glass which was sometimes tinted around the wick.

An Argand lamp used whale oil, seal oil, colza, olive oil[2] or other vegetable oil as fuel which was supplied by a gravity feed from a reservoir mounted above the burner.

A disadvantage of the original Argand arrangement was that the oil reservoir needed to be above the level of the burner because the heavy, sticky vegetable oil would not rise far up the wick. This made the lamps top heavy and cast a shadow in one direction away from the lamp's flame. The Carcel lamp of 1800, which used a clockwork pump to allow the reservoir to sit beneath the burner, and Franchot's spring-driven Moderator lamp of 1836 avoided these problems.

The same principle was also used for cooking and boiling water due to its 'affording much the strongest heat without smoke'.[3]

[–] tux 1 points 3 months ago

Agreed, specific issues a lot of people lean all over the place and I think more people are realizing we need social programs.

[–] tux 20 points 3 months ago (2 children)

There's a lot of issues with our shitty 2 party system. No doubt.

But I think you (and a lot of folks on lemmy) are vastly over estimating how liberal most Americans are. The country as a whole is fairly moderate (and compared to the international world, pretty conservative), and when both parties allow themselves to be controlled by the fringe edges (right or left), most Americans will lean away from the party unless they're a brainwashed group of idiots without the ability to critically think... And those type of folks already have their orange champion.

Abstaining from voting is only going to help one group of people, and unless you enjoyed Jan 6th, that isn't ok. I agree whole heartedly that this situation sucks. We've got a wanna be dictator with a real shot at the presidency and our only other choice is Joe Biden.

But there's only been one president in the history of the country that has promoted and pushed for an overthrow of democracy, I'd vote for anyone running against him to prevent that shit from happening again. Meanwhile I'm voting for any representative and senator or local politicians who work towards a ranked voting solution. But if you abstain then you're helping Trump get elected, you're absolutely stupid if you think the 2 are the same, Biden is not my ideal candidate by any means, but at least he isn't actively trying to destroy our country or literally offering to sell our future to big oil.


I am so, so excited. I've talked so much with my friends before how awesome it would be to have an ATLA style anime of Cradle, I really hope this is awesome.

Love this series, literally led me to read every book Will Wight's written.


Will Wight's cradle series is one of my all time favorites. It got me to then binge read every other book the man has written.

The best part of this Kickstarter (IMO) is while reading his books the first time I just kept thinking how AMAZING the series would be as an animation and even talked with my friends about how we really wanted something like ATLA for this series.

But if I'm honest, if that show or movie was made by the normal folks who always seem to destroy my favorite pieces of literature when adapting them to film, I'd be sad. So I'm really glad that this is being done straight by the author.

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