Most decent manufacturers have their own website and fast shipping. I had to leave Amazon just for the fake and damaged merchandise alone.
The monumental level of troll farming performed by the Russian state suggests they are deserving of few allies.
Rome creates a desert and calls it peace.
Bigots consolidating power by using national pride to make minorities, immigrants, and the educated into enemies to be rallied against, allying with corporate interests who realize the consolidated powers can be used to maximally exploit the working class. A machine that needs to be constantly fed by fear of "the other" until it inevitably eats itself. Very much tied to a false notion of simple answers to complex problems, unhealthy national pride, an obsession with displays of strength, and an unwavering victim complex.
You know, us Americans.
As an American, we are all going to suffer and the earlier the better. Time and time again we see that the only way Trump supporters change is if they are personally affected. Thus we all need to pay in order to see change.
That's the free space
I played and loved FO 1 & 2. I was so disappointed by 3 that I never would have tried New Vegas if a friend hadn't bought it for me as a gift. New Vegas might be my favorite single player game.
It's unfinished. You can tell when and where they ran out of money. But the vision, atmosphere, characters, lore. It's just so fun to explore. I highly suggest you take the Wild Wasteland perk at start. It doesn't do a whole lot, but it's the little things you'll come across that'll make it feel like the first two games.
Yes, nothing bad will happen to those who live in the new temperate climates while potential billions become displaced climate refugees.
If covid and Trump have taught me anything it's that the majority of people aren't willing to do a damned thing until they themselves are hurt in some way. Based on this and my experience with peoples' unwillingness to admit they're wrong, I'd say we'll keep going until the majority of people tap-out from the heat.
In other words, we're just screwed.
Yeah, and people that dumb figured out measuring cups.
Maybe the biggest problem is that anyone who would educate themselves on anything in the first place wouldn't be supporting fascism. So the people who need to read it most won't care. The only thing that will stop their support is if they're personally hurt, and even then.
Well said.