I think theyre talking about the US.
That may be the case. I will need to conduct my own research^^
- that sugary sweets make kids act "hyper"
Do you happen to have a source for that? Coz I have witnessed kids act like a horde of wild monkeys on crack right after eating dessert on multiple occasions.
Probably "us aid" (as in we/us) from now on
This, but unfortunately the power dynamic is a little different than a usual grownup-toddler one. This toddler has a world destruction button next to his firefighter truck and could decide to play with that instead at any time something doesnt go his way.
Oh but you need to consider the overall spending on healthcare, not per-capita. That would be around 100-10000 times more than any other cointry. /s
Also I hope that its clear that spending money on healthcare while not providing healthcare does not make it any better.
I dont understand how anyone could criticize a per-capita statistic. It is completely logical to compare coutries by size. Or if not, we need to start talking about China being number one in almost everything in the world. Just having many people who contribute relatively little doesnt make your country more generous.
Because they arent actually opposed. Theyre doing the bare minimum to uphold their public image while ensuring that capitalism rules the country.
Funny how this time it was actually a democratic decision to abolish democracy. Back then in Germany the NSDAP reached 30% and then 44% the next year with a heavily rigged election. Gotta give the people what they want I guess...
Everyone is allowed to do anything as they please as long as theres noone enforcing the rules that would forbid it.