What's that thing called where the court determines you are a petty asshole and can't file things without judicial review? Can we apply that to the government?
It is never too late to do the right thing.
Open Street maps has weather data, though not a real time overlay
No, it's up to the judiciary and legislature (who the people elected). Unless of course you mean solving the problem like an unnamed plumber who fancies green.
Is that Mario brother guy available to help?
Won't the blue line fall off of the turtle's back?
The powder seems to oxidize aluminum more than the gel, an unpleasant discovery.
I assure you that video is real. I saw it on the Internet.
There are several over the counter medicines that you may find helpful. Nasal steroids, like flonase (see kirkland brand). Azelastine (astepro), which is like benadryl sprayed into your nose, and may cause drowsiness. Zyrtec may also help and cause mild drowsiness.
It hurt itself in it's confusion