I'm so hyped! It's looks awesome, and the gameplay is what I liked from CS1 but improved!
For Zelda, you can make an argument that BotW was a WiiU game, following the same pattern as TP/SS on GC/Wii
Same here, it was a pretty funny popcorn film
Héhé ça doit être mes 5% de sang italien ! Sinon, c'est assez simple. Tu coupes en 2 ta tomate (de la bonne avec du goût de préférence ofc), tu la poses sur le bbq côté peau, tu arroses d'herbes de provence et épices que t'aimes, tu attends que ça fonde un peu, tu retournes rapidement, et hop ! Bon app ! :)
Alors j'ai mangé y'a pas longtemps une fondue coréenne à "Bibim House" rue La Fayette, je suis pas expert mais j'ai beaucoup apprécié. Le chef était là pour t'expliquer comment ça marchait, surveiller la cuisson. C'était très joli, très bon et pas trop trop chef.
I guess a simple bash script with a loop and a ffmpeg command should do the trick
It's just there at the root of my Nextcloud until they're done and I delete them
I'm sorry, idk much to help you :/
I agree, I had the same experience, it's nice it's being patched!
I wouldn't bet on it, TotK just released, and I'm sure they're planning a DLC. Unless it's a Switch 2 that retro-compatibility, maybe?
As an anime-only watcher of OnK, this looks like it's setting up a really nice S2! Sad to see my weekly watch go, but that's life and I'll just find another