She married her HS sweetheart who's been driving since he was 14. His parents took over ownership of one of our area's tracks several years ago (there are 4 within a fifty mile radius of us) and my daughter's been scoring the races for them ever since. I did it with her for a couple of seasons back when she first started. Fun stuff...
My youngest daughter used to never cuss. Just a total sweetheart like that. The worst thing I think I heard her say was "she act's like such a B-word!" Then she started scoring races at a local dirt track, and after putting up with all the BS from the drivers (and especially their wives) she's now out there tossing around fucks and shits and bitches and assholes and various physical threats like they're confetti...
I used to know a guy named Ed back in the early-mid '80's who was a professional college student. We were both attending the local junior college. I was about 19 or 20, he was about 30. He was tall, had long straight dark hair and a full, fairly long beard with a fairly prominent hawk nose. One day, his parents finally got tired of him avoiding adulthood and declared they were no longer going to support him and he had to get a job. He showed up to classes with a short hair cut and no beard. We all had to do a double-take. He seriously had no chin, and combined with that big hawk nose, his profile had become so comically different from what it had been that everyone who knew him was noticeably shocked by the transformation. He went from having a long profile with a prominent nose to a little round head with a huge beak sticking out. He went from a moderately imposing figure to a sadly goofy looking character just like that. I watched a couple of different people just kind of blurt out stuff like "eww grow it back!" etc. It was crazy to see how everyone's perception of him changed overnight...
back in the late 80's/early 90's I did business with a salesman that sold automotive shop supplies whose name was Lance Boyle. I had been dealing with him for better than a year before the humor of his name finally dawned on me one day while I was on the phone with him placing an order and I had to laugh. He was cool about it and ragged on me for being a bit slow on the uptake...
Coincidentally, I just caught that for the first time this weekend when this song came on the radio while traveling with my wife and daughter. I knew she was Maya's mom, but I had never noticed her singing her name before hearing it again yesterday...
Tommy Tatertown
🤣🤣 Extra chewy...
you forgot a hyphen...
An LG C1300. I carried that thing for several years. Never had to replace the battery and it would still go 3 days on a charge when I finally switched to an iPhone 3
Buttis and Beavhead
Their fixation on other people's genitalia is simply mind-boggling...