who represents us stoners who work from home?
I do elearning multimedia and run in to AI schlock all the time and hate it. With the background and soft-focus I can see why you thought what you did. While AI would have done good with the dog's face etc, details like the leash clasp would have probably been just poorly defined shapes or complete nonsense. That's the stuff I key in on...
I work for a company that produces elearning, and we used to have a contract with the insurance trust that insures police forces and municipalities in Minnesota. The training we provided covered subjects that were designed to limit the number of lawsuits that these agencies were dealing with constantly. The year before George Floyd happened, Minneapolis's police department decided they didn't need to subject their officers to having to sit through this training each month, so they dropped their departments enrollment in this program. Guess which agency came crawling back the following year... Also, guess who our customer service dept had to deal with the most with calls from users trying to bullshit their way through said training when their deadlines for taking it would hit? Yep, you guessed it. Those officers would lie their asses off about taking the training, when all their activity in the courseware was meticulously logged by our Learning Management System. We could also tell from these logs that a lot of these officers would just click "Next" through the course as fast as they could and then keep retaking the end test until they'd finally pass it. Too many of them weren't learning a damn thing. Our system has all kinds of things in place to keep students from doing that kind of stuff, but we had to disable all those checks and safeguards so those crybabies could get away with that shit...
I was just at the one off of I-10 in Alabama not too far from the FL/AL line yesterday. I splurged on 4 BBQ sammy's, a bag of beaver nuggets, a small meat & cheese tray, a bag of homemade chips, a chocolate pie cup thingee, and a cup of coffee all for the low, low price of $64 smackeroos! That place was craaazy busy...
Ha! I came to post this! I've LMAO'd at every comedian I've seen on that channel!
maybe "extrude" is a better term...
going to the grocery store and seeing an employee with a big dust-mop going up and down the aisles pushing along an ever-growing pile of cigarette butts because everyone would just drop 'em and step on 'em and keep on shopping...
oh he's go plenty of "campaign contributions" to go around...
I've been fighting lung cancer for the last 2 1/2 years, and when I was first diagnosed, the insurance company doctor rejected the SABR radiation that my radiation and medical oncologists were both recommending. To hear my rad doc describing the argument he had with them was unreal. I was already stressed out enough without having to deal with that bullshit too.
this sounds like one of Eloons stupid ideas...
Psychological warfare. Trump's an easy mark. We need more of it...