
joined 1 year ago
[–] timeisart 14 points 1 year ago (3 children)

A complete collection of The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, including the first few years that nobody thought to record. The LLS Archive channel on YouTube is the most comprehensive source available but there's still huge gaps of missing episodes. Rumor has it there's one guy out there who recorded every episode on VHS but is refusing to digitize them.

[–] timeisart 1 points 1 year ago

In the same field as the other formation reported on the same day.

[–] timeisart 1 points 1 year ago

In the same field as the other formation reported on the same day.

[–] timeisart 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Thanks for this list, gonna check these out. I am mostly into old school goa trance the likes of Hallucinogen, Doof, Astral Projection, Darshan, Green Nuns of the Revolution, Blue Planet Corporation, etc.

So it sounds like I’ll like the Medicine Drum EP since goa seems to have a more organic sound than the more “digital” sound of more modern psytrance.

[–] timeisart 3 points 1 year ago

I just have a Synology NAS running a Hyper Backup task to an external USB HDD that I physically drive to my parents house whenever I go there, at which point the new data gets copied to another external drive I keep there using rsync.

Not the most ideal solution but it works for now. Eventually it would be nice to get another NAS to keep at my parents house and have nightly backups going over the internet.

[–] timeisart 3 points 1 year ago

I think we will get "government disclosure" within the next 5-10 years, but it will be full of half truths and misinformation. They'll probably say something like "we have these unknown objects in our skies, but we totally have no more knowledge about them than you do, and we are totally absolutely not hiding any secret technology from you that we reverse engineered from downed crafts. Anyone who suggests so is a crazy lunatic crackpot conspiracy theorist".

My point is to take any "official" government disclosure with a massive grain of salt. Instead we should keep an eye out for any story that comes out that is suppressed or ridiculed in the mainstream media, because usually those are the ones actually worth looking into.

[–] timeisart 2 points 1 year ago

Depends on the extent of their intervention I guess. If they only contact the heads of governments then I doubt the public would be informed (in fact I believe this is likely already what’s happened).

But if they were more obvious about it and hovered over our major cities (District 9 style) then there would likely be civil unrest in some form, and the military would probably try to shoot them down.

I think they know that contact has to be a gradual process. Let’s assume that any NHI that wants to openly make themselves known to humanity and continue to communicate with us would be benevolent (since malevolent species would either rather hide in the shadows or just destroy us in one fell swoop). So what if I told you I believe this gradual contact communication process has been going on for years and continues to this day? Are you open minded enough to consider the answer?

[–] timeisart 7 points 1 year ago

Actual psychopaths have brains that are wired differently than normal people, they are literally not capable of feeling empathy or are able to feel the pain they caused that allowed them to amass their fortune. So yeah in a way I think that makes them less than human.

[–] timeisart 1 points 1 year ago

found this channel a couple weeks ago and wish I had found it earlier, AJ does a great job at breaking down these topics in an open minded way (but not so open your brains fall out, some degree of skepticism is always needed). And the comedy mixed in is just the icing on the cake (❤️ Hecklefish)

[–] timeisart 2 points 1 year ago

Back to basics with this one, but guy on facebook who visited it says it looks good on the ground

[–] timeisart 3 points 1 year ago

This looks like a very valuable resource, thank you for offering it for free.

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