
joined 2 years ago
[–] thisNotMyName 19 points 7 months ago (5 children)

No, bluray is 1080p (or 2160p if UHD Bluray) while DVDs are 576p-720p (what looks really shitty on a 4K TV). I only buy BDs and UHD BDs these days

[–] thisNotMyName 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Not directly subsidized, but definitely different treatment than other drugs thanks to successfull lobbying in Germany. Alcohol can far more easy sponsor and advertise e.g. Or the rage of the conversatives when weed got legalized (badly in comparison of course) this year, while they really like to take photos at Germany's greatest drug convention (Oktoberfest) or get themself "elected" to Wine Queen/Beer Kind of boring region X.

[–] thisNotMyName 5 points 8 months ago

Same goes for marketing: Monday's are like, hey could everyone please like and share our newest LinkedIn/Insta whatever? Friday's are look how our numbers skyrocketed! (B2B company, no idea why they even care about Instagram)

[–] thisNotMyName 14 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Man muss ihn verstehen. Er hat nun mal einen Sparfetisch und das ganze liegt ja nun mal beim FDP-geführten Verkehrsministerium. Dieses hat natürlich aus Folge von 1 auch nur begrenzte Budgets: Beim Radverkehr wurde schon alles weggespart, da kann man nicht mehr nennenswert kürzen. Bei der Bahn ist noch ein bisschen was nach, da könnte man noch kürzen. Und sonst gibt es einfach keine anderen Budgets. Keine. Gar keine. Erst recht keine, die den Klimazielen der Regierung irgendwie im Weg stehen. Wirklich, kein einziges.

[–] thisNotMyName 30 points 8 months ago (1 children)
[–] thisNotMyName 19 points 8 months ago

Unfortunately the court wasn't that strict in it's most recent decision regarding data retention (different lead judge combined with the endless tries from the politics)

[–] thisNotMyName 7 points 8 months ago

The bird feeder? Sure, just fly three miles in that direction

[–] thisNotMyName 1 points 8 months ago

"huge" is getting smaller every week

[–] thisNotMyName 26 points 8 months ago (4 children)

Uhm.. Right leaning conservatives won in Germany, directly followed by the party that is too extremely right even for the French right extremist party. I really don't like where this election went to, but it's a lot but for sure not a we've beaten the right extremists (and that's scary)

[–] thisNotMyName 5 points 9 months ago

LSF 50, Hautkrebs ist nicht so spaßig. Wenn es schnell einzieht, ist es noch besser. Hab da gerade so ne Probe von Eucerin fürs Gesicht, die ist richtig schnell eingezogen, sonst die von dm

[–] thisNotMyName 4 points 9 months ago (3 children)

But how dies rotten coconut smell?

[–] thisNotMyName 4 points 9 months ago (1 children)

The good thing about Linux is, it's not very ressouce demanding. If you pick the xfce version of Mint, you can get away with 4GB of RAM. But you won't have that much fun coding as soon as you start something more ressource heavy (big data sets, ML, ...) so this depends a little in which direction you want to go. However see if you can find something used, preferably something you can open from the back side to upgrade components like SSD and RAM (cheaper than buying higher specs)

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