
joined 2 years ago
[–] theonewhoknocks 2 points 2 years ago

C'mon, it's not rocket science, sun. Just call some friends and ask them to come rover. Or go and rent some Venus.

[–] theonewhoknocks 1 points 2 years ago

Good to know. The USC-C port as one of the things that made me consider upgrading to the Mighty+. I guess I'll hold onto my OG Mighty.

I've already looked into some sort of "modding" that would allow me to use USB-C with my Mighty, but I'm too afraid to mess things up and break it. The original charger works just fine, so why bother?

[–] theonewhoknocks 6 points 2 years ago
[–] theonewhoknocks 2 points 2 years ago

Wenn man sich Interviews mit Leuten aus dem Ort anschaut wird schnell klar, dass die FDP und Springer mit ihrer Angstmache rund um die Heizungen nicht ganz unschuldig an dem Erfolg der AfD sind. Viele wiederholen 1:1 das, was vor einigen Tagen noch in "Bild" stand, wenn sie nach den Gründen für ihre Wahlentscheidung gefragt werden.

[–] theonewhoknocks 1 points 2 years ago

Are we talking main cast? If not, I'd vote for Meredith's son, Jake Palmer.


I'm still hurting from this change, but I feel I have more time each day. Still thinking a lot about it, though.

[–] theonewhoknocks 1 points 2 years ago

No arms or legs is basically how you exist right now, Kevin, you don't do anything.

[–] theonewhoknocks 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Gute Frage. Ich habs nur aus der Ferne gesehen und keine Cell-Broadcast erhalten.

[–] theonewhoknocks 1 points 2 years ago

Like the Witness Protection Program?

[–] theonewhoknocks 3 points 2 years ago

When it comes to growing, the planned limit is the number of plants, if I remember correctly. (I believe it's supposed to be three plants max.)

[–] theonewhoknocks 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I got Detroit: Become Human as agiftx, but have only played about 20 minutes of it. Gonna give it another try when the summer is over.

[–] theonewhoknocks 4 points 2 years ago

I was the same with The Witcher 3. Tried it a couple of times, but only a year after the purchase did it click. Love that game now.

[–] theonewhoknocks 2 points 2 years ago

For medicinal users (I've talked to a few), 50g is not enough, but "a good start". FYI, for younger people (was it 18-25 years? not sure) the monthly amount is half of it (25g).


Die Rauchsäule war gestern gut über Hamburg zu sehen. Ich hoffe es geht allen gut.


I'm obviously joking in the title, but I'm serious with the question. Besides the fact that I as an adult should be able to consume as much as I want at any given time (I'm only hurting myself, if at all), I was wondering what you guys think about that amount.

Personally, I feel that for me it would be more than enough, but then again I don't see how they came to that number. What are your thoughts?


All aboard the Lemmy train!


Hey there, glad to see that the alternatives to Reddit are taking shape. How about a header image and/or an icon for this community? Maybe it's just my client, but these assets Seen to be missing. Any suggestions/thoughts? Can we just copy and paste stuff from Reddit?

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