Productivity is for Produce.
11 minutes of sleep walking.
you have to adopt
I'm not ready for kids.
"We're all in this picture." :)
Have you tried Ra or The Fine Structure by the same author?
61, male, number 3 clipper cut, cuz I don't have much hair left. Love it.
Asphalt has natural antigravity properties and tends to rise.
Food tastes good
Sunsets are awesome
Some people are worth being around
You might mess up the attempt and end up worse off than you are now
Religion might be right and you end up in the bad place
You're a legume, Charlie Brown.
I met you in somebody's mind meld
You thought we had melded before
I brought you "The Teachings of Surak"
And waited all night by your door
Vulcan love.
It's driving me mad
It's making me crazy
"Don't you worry baby don't worry. Cuz the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one."
What's up with the bifurcation diagram?