Shit, BrainDead was a documentary.
Lol, the only way it could get any easier is if it were on rails.
How the fuck can your software/hardware not handle such a simple implementation?
I don't have adaptive cruise so the way I'm reading what he is saying basically :
Use adaptive cruise in heavier traffic situations where lane changes arent as easy.
Use standard cruise control when the passing lane(s) are clear(er) so they can pass at their cruise speed at leisure without either having to speed up or hold up traffic behind them to perform the pass.
Everything is better in rifftrax format.
All so very true.
One more bit of devils advocate though lol.
Slower driving would also give more time for the other 'party' to react and adjust as well / potentially limit the injuries sustained.
But realistically yeah it doesn't make a difference because licenses are way to easy to get and keep (again usa - other countries may differ) and american drivers pretty much all have their heads up their asses 24/7.
I've just taken to randomly pressing buttons until it gives me a human.
Thats because of how they define profits.
Every company wants ALL the money.
They make enough to pay all their bills and expand reasonably.
They are not happy with that.
Its always more more more.
Or "she was asking for it, just look what she's wearing'
Yup, it's just bullshit like trickle down economics.
The only people being affected by inflation are the people who can't afford to save money. (Which one of the points of inflation is to prevent money hording)
The oligarchy hides most of their wealth in owning stuff and as such are unaffected.
This is pretty much me my whole life. I sweat super easy.
Also my brain itself doesn't like heat. If you are familiar with Discworld, I'm basically a troll. The heat makes me dumb and unable to focus.
Im also super sensitive to humidity with breathing. When its warm and humid out I feel like I can't breath.
Not arguing with the majority of what you said, but speed limit is maximum safe speed in perfect conditions. (At least here in the usa).
You are both expected and required to go slower depending on conditions.
Reduced sight lines means imperfect conditions and as such you are supposed to slow down.
Looks like it was a hookah from that pic.