So everett deserves the window seat?
I tried dungeon people and was liking it, but the whole father situation was just handled so damn weirdly that it just pulled me out.
And the cords break every 3 days and eventually the port gets fucked.
Having said that - I LOVE having a headphone jack.
I hear it has something to do with 'free time', whatever that is.
Most of the time I only vaguely recognize all but the biggest stars from my childhood, but god damn did that movie cement Tony Todd in my brain.
Let this man protect his country damnit.
We need to stop leaving good people to hang out to dry.
Just saw the trailer, the enviromental art/design looks great to me.
It's just really shitty compositing? Of the live action stuff over the cgi that makes it look so bad visually.
This is probably the most favorable thing I can say about the trailer.
He wasnt human. He was a spirit of light.
Because there arent proper checks and balances.
So just like the corporate world and the us government the shitbags get in power and do whatever the hell they want with little to no repercussions.
The teamsters just went through that for years with that shitbag Hoffa jr. He just let the companies do pratically whatever they wanted.
Then you got stewards and shit who dont wanna do anything.
I didnt know any union reps/stewards until I went to managment.
Basically they only care about collecting dues and increasing their numbers.
They union doesn't 'demand' anything beyond paying dues from its members so you've got tons of people who really think they can act however they want.
Complete lack of any sort of rules of conduct and no work ethic.
Unfortunately Unions get corrupted easy.
Hey if Martin Short could do it, so csn McCauly
In regards to 2 - even with warp available to other ships the spore drive still gives the ability to jump away from any danger as they could jump just about anywhere.