It's easy to get conservative views with the most asinine shit that perpetuates their own stupidity. That is why there are so many grifters out there, easy job, easy paycheck, no morals, capitalism.
Yes! Seriously, this is a great smoking gun, all I was able to find was a screenshot from the video, but nothing else.
Anyone know the source video? Or the account that tweeted this?
The claim that slaves benefited from slavery is like saying you benefited from getting your arm torn off because you are now ten pounds lighter.
I'm pretty sure any "skills" learned under slavery didn't create any amount of net good. When slavery ended the living conditions for former slaves plummeted. As a slave they were property, they had value, and their owners had good reason to keep them alive or maintain their selling value. As a free citizen they became a business cost, and held no value to their bosses. Therefore former slaves would get paid next to nothing to do the same brutal work they were doing as slaves, with a whole tsunami of apathetic racism to deal with too.
Yeah, a black man may have learned blacksmithing, but his life was still shit. The life of his children was still shit. Those "skills" didn't do jack shit, if they could even apply them? Like imagine being an uneducated recently freed slave in a society where an overwhelming amount of cunts hate you for no good reason, now imagine what a job search would be like under those conditions.
Nothing about slavery was fucking good.
Its not just pedantic semantic, word choice matters. Language is fluid and mutable, acting like the meaning and context behind one phrase is the same as the other is ignorant to the current state of the US and its history.
For example, each of these sentence read differently depending on each word you emphasize, but the all say "the same thing".
I have a cookie, not you.
I have a cookie, not you.
I have a cookie, not you.
I have a cookie, not you.
I have a cookie, not you.
I have a cookie, not you.
Back in the Jim Crow days there were plenty of "Colored People" signs, but no "People of Color Signs".
Word choice matters.
I'm not reading the responses. Sorry not sorry.
Personally I think that this is just user friendly theater. Reddit shit the bed, and is now engaging in tactics to remove the turd. But the stain is still there, as is the need to make money. They'll replace awards and coins with another revenue stream that I am 110% confident will not be user friendly, but instead a clever cash grab to tickle the testicles of their investors.
Reddit is dead, they're just trying to make its corpse dance.
Oh here is my strategy:
Friend: "I really like X, I hope they don't die"
Me: "Oh they go hard in the final episode its great!"
The character dies in episode 4
To anyone suggesting karma is a good anti bot tool, remember there is karma whoring. Nothing is stopping a bot from spamming useless things, and interacting with other bot posts to build karma. This is already happening on reddit when you navigate to weird subs where all the content is coming from one account posting links to the same shitty tabloid site. Yet this content is getting upvotes from something.
Karma is security theater, I think the mods were the true anti-bot force.
This is the best idea!
Tell me more....
Once I watched a season of alone I dropped all illusions about running into the woods to live the naturalist life.
If anyone is thinking "lol I could do that" just watch alone, it is HARD out there in the wilds.