
joined 1 year ago
[–] the_grass_trainer 1 points 1 day ago

I catch a Solarbeam to the face!

[–] the_grass_trainer 7 points 1 week ago

I'd just fart.

[–] the_grass_trainer 4 points 2 weeks ago

I transferred schools in my junior (11th grade) year of high school. In my last class of the day the seniors (12th grade) were let out of class 10 minutes before the bell rang, i guess it was some kinda reward for about to graduate. And being the new kid the teacher didn't realize I had been sneaking out and leaving early until someone in the hall ratted me out.

Good times.

[–] the_grass_trainer 2 points 2 weeks ago

I specifically remember getting Linux to load music on my iPod Nano during my Ubuntu phase. There's got to be a way to do that still, but i understand the frustration.

Maybe a generic player like those old generic USB MP3 Players? Nothing i found comes with 128GBs of space unless it also has Bluetooth or some wireless functionality.

If all else fails just get an old Android phone and don't use the wireless features if you find one with an audio jack.

[–] the_grass_trainer 4 points 2 weeks ago

Too many polygons still, though.

[–] the_grass_trainer 1 points 2 weeks ago

LMAO! Potatoes in yer bra is funny, but surely you're bruised all to hell after a match!

[–] the_grass_trainer 23 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

It feels weird or upsetting doing anything right now. Everything is political. Everything is woke. Everything is Left vs Right. Everywhere i look someone has an opinion about something, and everyone else is wrong.

I'm so tired of hearing about it all the time. I just want to enjoy what i can from life without someone dissecting what I am or am not doing and tying their political beliefs to it.

Edit: a word.

[–] the_grass_trainer 3 points 2 weeks ago

Well, there's food trucks and many of those sell tacos. But no songs, usually, and are only moving when going to or from their setup location.

[–] the_grass_trainer 5 points 2 weeks ago

A flag with a Winblows logo on it, and underneath it another flag that says "This house is an iOS house," .... But secretly all the PCs have a different version of linux on them.

[–] the_grass_trainer 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Please tell me you have a catchphrase as the Shrieking Spud!😮

[–] the_grass_trainer -2 points 2 weeks ago

Have tried looking through the patches, and nothing seems to match my issue. There is a "hide shorts compontents" patch, but nothing in that setting menu worked. And i have also uninstalled, and tried over and over. So far this is the only issue i have, but because the user interface on shorts is hidden i cannot access comments :(

Anyone have a fix or share similar experiences?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by the_grass_trainer to c/asklemmy

There have been plenty of sites hosting horrible, and graphic content like the late LiveLeak site. But I've never heard of a good site for posting actual paranormal stuff.

Unless i am wrong.

Edit: I get it Lemmy, i might be asking for too much, but it doesn't seem too farfetched to have a dedicated site of actual video camera posts not edited tiktok or hollywood crap. I'm not looking for a movie, tv show, or a Halloween prank. I guess it does not exist because paranormal activity has been and always will be fake stunts.

Edit 2: dog sees something but they never show the floor. Could have been a spider.

Ghost car cop chase car "goes through fence" but it went out of frame before it went through. Either editing, or like the comments says, the fenced went over/under the car and this cop is just a pansy.

Edit 3: Skinwalker Ranch this was cool to start with, buuuuut again they talk of something blocking the airspace above but what they show doesn't match with their claims. The 3D animations explain what they see, but the actual footage has so many cuts it's obviously fake.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by the_grass_trainer to c/samsung

I have the T55 27inch curve monitor that randomly went to a black screen and will not display anything.

No built-in menu, no pop up saying searching for inputs like HDMI. Nothing.

I was playing "For the King 2", and my monitor just goes dark. My pc was still running the game and I could hear others in Discord just fine.

Right now i am unsure of what to do. I have tried the following:

  • Unplug monitor for 30+ seconds
  • Checked HDMI cable
  • Held the Jog switch for 1 minute
  • Plugged monitor into the wall
  • Tried using the directional functions on jog switch (just cause screen to flicker on and off but nothing is displayed.
  • Restarting computer (which obviously did nothing).

Am at a loss right now. Had this monitor for about 3 years so I think the warranty is gone. What do I do if it doesn't start working in its own again?

Edit: Imgur post showing the issue

Edit 2: I decided to contact Best Buy and see about trade-ins, and discovered I bought the 4 year extended warranty!! So i got it exchanged for a "different" model... Which turned out to be the exact same thing just called something else.


The past couple of versions i have used would only allow me to open the comments of YT Shorts one time, then it would load blank any time after until I fully closed the app.

My current version, 19.04.37 Non-root, will some times open a YT Short immediately when the app opens, and i have to quickly hit Home before it loads... Else the app will close when trying to go back.

So, I'm curious if others have had similar issues as well? And does each patch have its own quirks like these?


So this is something that I experienced with Boost for Reddit as well, but it occurred randomly: whenever I zoom in on a picture to see details, or read words better, within Swipe View I cannot simply pan the image around. The app seems to think I am trying to swipe to the next post.

So my way of getting around this is to basically tap the image lightly to get it to move around. Or to tap the post's icon/image preview to open the image ontop of the app.

🤔 Any way to get this fixed for us that prefer Swipe View?

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