For the uninitiated, this conspiracy theory would later devolve into Qanon and worse.
On October 30, 2016, a Twitter account posting white supremacist material which said it was run by a Jewish New York lawyer falsely claimed that the New York City Police Department (NYPD) had discovered a pedophilia ring linked to members of the Democratic Party while searching through Anthony Weiner's emails.[13][2] Throughout October and November 2016, WikiLeaks had published John Podesta's emails. Proponents of the conspiracy theory read the emails and alleged they contained code words for pedophilia and human trafficking.[1][14] Proponents also claimed that Comet Ping Pong, a pizzeria in Washington, D.C., was a meeting ground for Satanic ritual abuse.[15]
NC has a sordid history with Democracy.
1898-White supremacists do not like newly elected representative, decide to have a massacre etc.
As the violence continued, Waddell led a group to the Republican mayor, Silas P. Wright. Waddell forced Wright, the board of aldermen, and the police chief to resign at gunpoint.[17] Waddel's group included future U.S. Congressman John D. Bellamy and future NC Assemblyman George Rountree.[2] The mob installed a new city council that elected Waddell to take over as mayor by 4 p.m. that day.[28]
1969-White supremacists bring bombs, guns and violence in response to school desegregation (only 15 years after Brown v Board), then they blamed the young black protestors, who would spend a decade in prison before release.
2016-Republican Governor signs bill reducing power of his predecessor.
2023-Tricia Cotham-Ran on a progressive platform in very blue seat, changes parties because people were mean to her.
2024-Republican super-majority signs bill taking away power from incoming Democrat Governor, shifts other powers to its favor.
So many tv shows broken by two-part episodes!
Spafford was released on $25,000 bond earlier this week. The new details in this case come from new filings from the defense, arguing to block his release.
Prosecutors reiterated why they believe Spafford is dangerous, writing that “while he is not known to have engaged in any apparent violence, he has certainly expressed interest in the same, through his manufacture of pope bombs marked ‘lethal,’ his possession of riot gear and a vest loaded with pipe bombs, his support for political assassinations and use of the pictures of the President for target practice.”
Wow. What a load of crap
5 2024 predictions:
- AI self-awareness and robot uprising
- WW3
- Global catastrophe
- Alien contact
- Asteroid colliding into Earth, but with new materials we've never seen which causes economic war.
My favorite bit is at the end where he says these are just predictions the future is uncertain.
From 2014
part of the computer system responsible for controlling the launch of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles relied on data loaded from 8-inch floppy disks
The U.S. and New Zealand are the only countries that allow direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertisements. In the U.S., television viewers are subjected to an especially increasing volume of drug commercials. In 1996, $550 million was spent by pharmaceutical companies on drugs ads. That number increased more than 10-fold by 2020, reaching $6.58 billion annually.
That's a good one, another good Robin Williams is Patch Adams.
The Constitution has changed many times
But, now that presidents can not be charged for "official" acts, who knows?
Was super excited for the new Menu art, but when I downloaded the beta the menu art was the old style.
Went looking for what I did wrong and came across this article. It's worth a read.
New beta looking clean (15 mins in)