We also expect much more from sequels these days. Most old games' sequels are just more content on the same engine with minimal new features. Spyro 2 was Spyro 1 with swimming, ice, and powerups. I don't remember Crash Bandicoot 2 changing anything but the hub world. Did Guitar Hero make any major changes between 1, 2, or 3? Nowadays, Elder Scrolls gets significant engine upgrades between each game, as does Halo, as did Horizon. Totk's biggest critique is "its just DLC cuz it's in the same engine", even though there have been some substantial, non-graphical, physics based upgrades.
The wiki page literally says Charles Martinet voiced Mario in that game.
I feel like I used to have a Mario card game on my 90's Macintosh? We played go fish in the back of a limo or something... I recall he had pretty complex voice lines in that game.
edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario%27s_Game_Gallery
Lets face it everyone under the age of 35 first learned what bedroom eyes are because of Nala from Lion King...
I'd love for that to extend to professional sports, but I understand that's probably a bit too radical, even for Lemmy.
Is she single?
Did you ever do the experiment where if you coil a wire, and then hook it up to a battery, it becomes magnetic?
Well it works in reverse, too. If you move a magnet near a coil, it generates power! Specifically, its the motion of the magnet that makes power, so the magnets are mounted to the spinny spinny bit and the coils are in the base hooked up to the grid.
(this is an oversimplification)
In slightly more detail, motors work on the same principle, since they're just magnets and coiled wires. Apply power to the leads to spin the motor, but also, you can spin the motor by hand like a crank to generate power at the leads.
This is also how wireless charging works. Power goes into a wired coil that makes a magnet that makes power in another wired coil inside your phone,
This was me. Not all of it was yee yee jesus. A lot of ot can be more relatable, like overcoming adversity not necessarily with the help of a higher power, or expressing frustration at injustice. Even a decent amount of the god-fearing songs were subtle enough to be mistaken for love songs. I'm not religious, but it was nice to have the option in my household.
Sure, because the Yoga has the extra screen layer to support active pens. Linux isn't the problem.
I once had a laptop that let you upgrade the mobile graphics cards. It was incredible.
My hand span is exactly 7", and my thumb knuckles are exactly 1" long, with the nailbed exactly halfway back.
No, Holland is Jak. Pratt is Daxter.