The suggestion is that it's good with mozzarella sticks.
joined 2 years ago
pre-dell alienwares had fricken digital clocks in the front
In California at least, they're allowed to ask, but I don't think they're allowed to require.
Which App? on Jeroba, 3 dot menu at the bottom right of the post > Block [user]
I always assumed it was the lead because it always smelled so sweet
I didn't realize it was that much later
Didn't her father previously withhold these pages, and didn't allow them to be published until later?
You know they're not in Texas...
I disagree. I wasn't able to beat them in the original, but I was able to beat them in Ragnarok.
They do if the coffee is just that damn hot which it was.
The tldr is not every species with a uterus menstruates.
Most animals' bodies don't convert into a child bearing state until they're already pregnant. Dogs and cats for example don't grow breasts (or line their uterus) until they're pregnant. Humans (and a few other species) evolved to just be ready to raise a child at any time, which results in permanently developed breasts and a continuous refreshing of a uterine lining.