How much you want to bet experts have connections with landlords?
Trains are fuckin awesome man, and I don't know why, but goddamn do I love watching them, and hearing them and riding them.
Edit: also I am down for your dissertation on black holes, but I get to talk at you about terrible music and all the production with WAT too much enthusiasm.
Bose built a similar system in the early 90s.
And Trump is going to manage to ruin it to benefit a few old rich monsters.
He had a fire near his home in 2012, 4 years after moving to California. Didn't move then, waited ten years first until his wife was offered a job in NC. Really headline should read, climate scientist glad he left LA for spouse's new job, climate a small factor.
Just look for the Ryobi brush heads in the cleaning aisle at Home Depot, they fit in a drill and are amazing for cleaning.
They'd be winded in 30 seconds
They would definitely steal less
That sounds like a threat to create fear or "terror" towards Wikipedia editors. The heritage foundation are treating closely to looking and acting like terrorists.
They are, we did it to them bunches of times, inexcusably
What had happened was, his house got Space lazered.