
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 hours ago

Ah contrair! I have supreme faith, brother!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 hours ago

I'm not saying it, but some people are.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 hours ago

No, just dosage.

There was a brief period when I first revisited it (since a few decades prior) where I was able to take edibles - low dose, but still sufficient for me for a high - but within a couple of uses even those started making me nauseous. Again, no vomiting, which seems to be a key defining symptom of CHS, but unpleasantly ill for the entire high.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

I'm sure there are more differences; nvim has plugins written in every language. One reason I stepped away from it is because, for development, I was using a fair number of plugins, and i noticed the starting nvim would launch nodejs, a Python runtime, a Java VM, Lua runtimes... I started to feel as if I might as well be using emacs.

So, yes: you're right. NeoVim has more features than plain vim, including a dozen different plugin managers and the ability to write plugins in almost any language. I meant that, from an editing modality, they're very similar.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 hours ago

I'll try it, thanks

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

While that helps, what doesn't help is that people don't often specify their context when they use it. An American commenting on Australian politics might very well use their own colloquial definition.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 11 hours ago (2 children)

He posted an essay on the topic a while back. He gets a lot of shit for getting things wrong using the same data everyone else was using and who also got things wrong; I think the second time, he really started to look into the problems with polling and, in particular, how other predictors were performing.

He was unfortunately the face of the polling failures in 2016, but he's a first class statistician. People easily forget part of the reason he was so vilified is because, until 2016, 538 was the reliable source for predictions, which speaks as much to how good he is as the subsequent failures. Something went really wrong with polling in the mid-2010s.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 hours ago (5 children)

Look to one (or more) of the election gambling markets. Even Nate Silver says they have been consistently outperforming polling.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 13 hours ago

You may not be exaggerating as much as you might think. It depends on whether you read the article.

The title is clickbait; the article is about hour soon global warming will disrupt the currents in the Atlantic that essentially govern world weather patterns.

Britain: another ice age? Yes, please!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Decimal point displacement. Something I do all the time, unfortunately, when I'm doing mental math... I drop zeros. I consider it a character flaw.

$108M. A couple of orders of magnitude bigger, but still; over three years, far from "massive."


I do not have CHS, a symptom of which is vomiting. I have never vomited from cannabis. I have always, however, gotten the spins, and almost invariably spend the high uncomfortably nauseous. It really doesn't matter how much I take; anything more than a microdose and I get nauseous. I've been this way forever, since the first time I tried it.

I live in a state where recreational use is legal, and it really irks me that I can't partake.

Does anyone have any advice about what I could do to get rid of the side effect of nausea? Why does this happen to me‽

[–] [email protected] 44 points 1 day ago (1 children)

And this is the fucker people kept bringing up as a potential alternate to Kamala.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

I'm not surprised at Helix's numbers, either. I wish we could sort by Admired; I think the picture would be more interesting.

Using my newly patented VisualSort, it looks like it'd go:

  1. NeoVim
  2. Visual Studio Code
  3. Rider
  4. DataGrip
  5. IPython
  6. Goland
  7. Vim
  8. Helix ... 27 others

So, in the top 22%. And I think some of the others are cheating & cutting themselves short at the same time, because vim and nvim are fairly indistinguishable, and isn't Goland based on IntelliJ?

What's weird is that I've never heard of Rider or DataGrip[^1], yet Kakoune isn't even on the list.

Sad to see Netbeans sink so far, though; back in the day, when I was a Java developer, it was my favorite, being far lighter weight than Eclipse and having a really decent WYSIWYG GUI designer. Nobody uses Java for desktop apps anymore, though, do they?

[^1] Edit: oh. .NET, and SQL. Well, I guess you could consider both to be programming languages if you squint a bit.

Edit #2: surveys are hard, but I really take exception to their OS survey, which they sum up as "windows is the most popular," and then they have Linux broken up into 5 major distributions, and then yet another catch-all for "other distribution." Windows is just "Windows," not "Windows 11," "Windows 10," "Windows XP," and "other Windows" (although they do break out WSL). And that's not even counting Android. If you add up all of the Linuxes, it's more popular than Windows (by this survey).

Seriously, who wrote this?


cross-posted from:

Bedfordshire Police have said just ten arrests were made over the Bedford River Festival this weekend (20/21 July) with Live Facial Recognition (LFR) technology responsible...


cross-posted from:

Bedfordshire Police have said just ten arrests were made over the Bedford River Festival this weekend (20/21 July) with Live Facial Recognition (LFR) technology responsible...


I vastly prefer to support community artisans over mass-produced material when I can. Is anyone in the community making Moopsies?


Cross-posting here, as the content under discussion is political in nature, and I feel as if the question might be of similar concern to other posters. Most probably don't care; data miners harvesting information to sell to HR departments and hiring managers are a real thing, though, so I think answers are relevant.

cross-posted from:

A friend of mine would like to post an op-ed style political essay about the current turmoil in the Democratic Party about Biden's fitness. They are concerned about it affecting their career, should it be linked back to them; the US is highly divided and they know some of their peers are Republicans, and they're not sure about the affiliations of people in their upward chain of command. My friend is concerned that posting an emotional opinion piece might -- if attributed to them and seen -- negatively affect their career. They want to stay anonynmous.

I think getting something posted anonymously in Lemmy would be fairly easy; no-one is going to trying legally coercing an email out of a Lemmy instance over an op-ed. And getting a boost in Mastodon would be simple. I was hoping that there'd be something like WriteFreely where they could post, but anonymity appears to be not even a consideration by the main developers.

And then there's the question of how to get links to the essay out of the Fediverse, where 90% of the people are. I don't have a Xitter account anymore, and have never had a Facebook account.

What suggestions does Lemmy have? How, in today's world, does someone anonymously post content?

Subscript: I do not mean political anonymity -- not in the way that protection from law enforcement is needed. My friend lives in the US where freedom of speech is still more-or-less ensured, and the content is not illegal, incidiary, inciting, or even unusual. However, they want anonymity sufficient to guard against data miners, correlators, and brokers. They need to get something off their chest, express an opinion, but not at a risk to their career.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

A friend of mine would like to post an op-ed style political essay about the current turmoil in the Democratic Party about Biden's fitness. They are concerned about it affecting their career, should it be linked back to them; the US is highly divided and they know some of their peers are Republicans, and they're not sure about the affiliations of people in their upward chain of command. My friend is concerned that posting an emotional opinion piece might -- if attributed to them and seen -- negatively affect their career. They want to stay anonynmous.

I think getting something posted anonymously in Lemmy would be fairly easy; no-one is going to trying legally coercing an email out of a Lemmy instance over an op-ed. And getting a boost in Mastodon would be simple. I was hoping that there'd be something like WriteFreely where they could post, but anonymity appears to be not even a consideration by the main developers.

And then there's the question of how to get links to the essay out of the Fediverse, where 90% of the people are. I don't have a Xitter account anymore, and have never had a Facebook account.

What suggestions does Lemmy have? How, in today's world, does someone anonymously post content?

Subscript: I do not mean political anonymity -- not in the way that protection from law enforcement is needed. My friend lives in the US where freedom of speech is still more-or-less ensured, and the content is not illegal, incidiary, inciting, or even unusual. However, they want anonymity sufficient to guard against data miners, correlators, and brokers. They need to get something off their chest, express an opinion, but not at a risk to their career.


It is not my intention to ignite an EMACS/vim war; I will say that I find it baffling that Lower Decks is ending while Strange New Worlds is being continued. I like Strange New Worlds, despite disagreeing with some of the artistic licenses being taken. But if I had to choose between the two shows, it'd be no contest. Not only as a viewer do I prefer LD, but it has to be the cheaper show to produce. The fact that next season is the last (both by design, it only being contracted for 5 years; and announcement) is sad and incomprehensible in the same way the cancelation of Firefly was - except LD is popular and successful, whereas Firefly merely had a fanatical (🖐️) fan base.

I don't understand it. Yes, you want to end on a high note. Maybe the writers are running out of plot ideas. Perhaps, given an initial life span of 5 years, the actors have all made other arrangements and aren't available. But I just can't believe the One Big Plot Arc that's been building would necessitate ending the series by its resolution.

LD is a strong show. It's lighthearted. It's a breath of fresh air after the more decidedly darker, ethically challenging, and emotionally straining runs of TNG, Voyager, DS9. And Strange New Worlds... the Gorn are basically Xenomorphs from the Alien franchise.Who, despite being the existential threat of the show, somehow get entirely forgotten about by the time in TOS.

But I digress. I'm going to miss Lower Decks, badly. How can this happen? And why?


This is kind of a rant, but mostly a plea.

There are times when BusyBox is the only tool you can use. You've got some embedded device with 32k RAM or something; I get it. It's the right tool. But please, please, In begging you: don't use it just because you're lazy.

I find BusyBox used in places where it's not necessary. There's enough RAM, there's more than enough storage, and yet, it's got BusyBox.

BusyBox tooling is absolutely aenemic. Simple things, common things, like - oh, - capturing a regexp group from a simple match are practically impossible. But you can do this in bash; heck, it's built in! But BusyBox uses ash, which is barely a shell and certainly doesn't support regexp matching with group capture. Maybe awk? Well, gawk lets you, with -oP, but of course BusyBox doesn't use GNU awk, and so you can't get at the capture groups because it doesn't support perl REs. It'd be shocking if BusyBox provided any truly capable tools like ripgrep, in which this would be trivial. I haven't tried BB's sed yet, because sed's RE escaping is and has always been a bizarre nightmarish Frankenstein syntax, but I've got a dime riding on some restriction in BB's sed that prevents getting at capture groups there, too.

BusyBox serves a purpose; it is intentionally barely functional; size constraining trumps all other considerations. It achieves this well. My issue isn't with BusyBox, it's with people using it everywhere when they don't need to, making life hell for anyone who's trying to actually get any work done in it.

So please. For the sanity of your users: don't reach for BusyBox just because it's easy, or because you're tickled that you're going to save a megabyte or two; please spare a thought for your users on which you are inflicting these constraints. Use it when you have to, because otherwise it doesn't fit. Otherwise, chose a real shell, at least bash, and include some tools capable of more than less than the bare minimum.

Moar Borderlands (
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/gaming

I know it's tragically pedestrian; and I know there's supposed to be a 4 in 2025; and I also know there's many a slip twixt cup and lip, and the gaming industry is going through some pretty radical changes... but all I really want is another Borderlands.

There's not much they can do with it, not many places to go, and I'm sure everyone who's worked on the series over the years is thoroughly sick of it. But, damn. Every one of the main games (at least; I haven't loved every in-between spin-off) has his a sweet spot of mindless fun, funniness, and replay-ability. I've played 3 so many times through, and spent so many hours just running around in every location, even I can't work up much enthusiasm to fire it up anymore.

There's an occasional game that fills the same niche; Bullet Storm was pretty fun, but with low replay-ability. I just want a game where I can turn off the higher brain functions and run around killing stuff in interesting ways.

Thanks for attending my Ted Talk.


Rook provides a secret service a-la secret-tool, keyring, or pass/gopass, except backed by a Keepass v2 kdbx file.

The problem Rook solves is mainly in script automation, where you have aerc, offlineimap, isync, vdirsyncer, msmtp, restic, or any other cron jobs that need passwords and which are often configured to fetch these passwords from a secret service with a CLI tool. Unlike existing solutions, Rook is headless, and does not have a bespoke secrets database full of passwords that must be manually synchronized with Keepass; instead, it uses a Keepass db directly.

Rook is in the AUR; binaries are available from the project page.

From the changelog, since the last Lemmy release announcement (v0.0.9):

[v0.1.3] Mon May 20 17:12:25 2024 -0500


  • status command, a more lightweight way of testing if a DB is open. Using this instead of info in e.g. statusbar scripts greatly reduces CPU load.
  • case-insensitive search.


  • removing some nil panics that could occur when DB is closed while a client call is being processed.


  • a hidden bug in the OTP pin code.
  • some errors being ignored (and therefore not logged)
  • TOTP attributes getting missed by otp generator check

[v0.1.2] Fri Apr 26 15:13:55 2024 -0500


  • one-time pin soft locking
  • installation instructions for distributions that have rook in a repository
  • more of the special autotype {} commands are supported (backspace, space, esc)


  • getAttr adds a little delay before typing, allowing initiator tools (like rofi) to close windows before text is output
  • cleans up code per golint/gochk


  • an autotype bug in outputting literals

[v0.1.1] Sun Mar 17 13:44:54 2024 -0500


  • the original source rook.svg
  • ability to start the rook server passing in the password via stdin pipe.


  • assets moved to directory
  • documentation referenced Keepass v4; there's no such thing, it's v2.
  • license, was missing (c) from original
  • stop trying to remove the version number from build assets
  • documentation to clarify when the master password exists as plain text, in response to questions from @[email protected]

[v0.1.0] Fri Mar 15 14:03:25 2024 -0500


  • nfpm file
  • logo


  • clears out the password so it's not being held in plain text by the flags library.
  • some of the documentation, and fixes the duplicated v0.0.9 entry in the changelog.
  • CI build targets are more limited, but also include some distro packages
  • better README documentation


  • the monitor attribute was taken out, as rook no longer busy-polls the DB

Rook is a lightweight, stand-alone, headless secret service tool backed by a Keepass v2 database. It provides client and server modes in a single executable, built from a reasonably small (auditable) code base with a small and shallow dependency tree - it should not be challenging to verify that it is not doing anything sketchy with your secrets.

Reasonable auditability, the desire to use KeePass files, and to do so through a headless tool that doesn't spawn off the better part of a DE through otherwise unused services, were the main motivations for Rook.

You might be interested in Rook if one or more of these are true:

  • you use KeePass v2-compatible tools to store secrets already
  • you are not running a DE like KDE or Gnome (although Rook may still be interesting because of secret consolidation)
  • you prefer to minimize background GUI applications (KeePassXC is excellent and provides a secret service, but doesn't run headless)
  • you run background applications such as vdirsyncer, mbsync (isync), offlineimap, or restic, or applications such as aerc that can be configured to fetch credentials from a secret service rather than hard-coded in a config file.

Pre-built binaries for limited OS/archs are built by the CI, and Rook if available in AUR. There's an nfpm config in the repos that will build RPMs and Debs, among others. I consider Rook to be essentially free of any major bugs and fit-for-purpose, although I welcome hearing otherwise.

Utility scripts in zsh and bash are available for providing autotyping and entry/attribute selection using xdotool, rofi, xprop, and so on; these are YMMV-quality.

Changes from v0.1.1 are:


  • one-time pin soft locking
  • installation instructions for distributions that have rook in a repository
  • more of the special autotype {} commands are supported (backspace, space, esc)


  • getAttr adds a little delay before typing, allowing initiator tools (like rofi) to close windows before text is output
  • cleans up code per golint/gochk


  • an autotype bug in outputting literals
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/coffee


On a whim, I tried searching YouTube instead of search engines and found a short video which led me to this shop in Etsy. It looks quite promising, so I'm going to update the title as "solved."

Original post

I've had an Elektra Micro Casa Leva for a number of years, and a while ago I bought a naked portafilter for it. It was (and still is, on the product site) as "for the Micro Casa." It is, without a doubt, one of the poorest quality things I've ever bought. The wood appears painted, not stained; it's been resistant to oiling, and lately the paint has been flaking off leaving what I assume is cheap pine. The wood itself has been cracking and splitting. The portafilter itself is painted to look like brass; I can tell this because that paint has started chipping and peeling. It looks as if it's some type of steel underneath -- I'd suspect aluminum, except for the weight and I assume the maker would be concerned about having one literally melt on a user. In any case, it's horrible. The handle is not screwed in, or else it's screwed & glued; if the metal weren't so obviously crap, I'd consider routing out the handle and replacing it myself; as is, it's so poorly made it hardly seems worth the effort. Regardless, I've been using it for a few years and it hasn't outright broken yet, but with all the paint chipping and peeling, it's looking really rough, and you don't own a Micro Casa Leva for the convenience.

The Elektra takes a non-standard 49mm portafilter, which can make finding parts challenging. Is there a company that makes decent portafilters that fit the Leva? It's possible I simply haven't delved the depths of the web deeply enough. Or, is there a craftsman in the community who does this sort of work -- making nice handles, sourcing appropriate baskets, etc? Failing all of that, is there a place I can buy a naked portafilter of good quality for the Leva, and is there anyone making good handles for portafilters? I'm no craftsman, but I can manage sanding wood to fit a hole, and I can mix epoxy.

What I'd really like to end up with is a brass portafilter with a beautiful wood handle with a nice grain and stain. I'd settle for a naked portafilter for the Leva that isn't a cheap piece of garbage.

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