Cant read the article. Full page block
Iodine is a critical element for growth. Noted problems that arose with lack of proper nutrition were at fault for developmental growth of us. Gout was very common affliction because of the difficulty of finding iodine in our food supply. Please take your multivitamins
WE by Russian writer [Yevgeny Zamyatin] Published in 1921, ten years before Huxley’s Brave New World. We tracks almost 1:1 to BNW in themes and concepts. I wish Zamyatin got the credit he deserved for Huxleys obvious ripoff Edit: bad typo
The original recipe rooted beers and sarsaparilla does contain safrole. Safrole has been considered a carcinogen but is not present in modern soft drinks. There is some channels on U Tube that have been making classic root beers and sarsaparilla with the safrole ingredient and their infependent research has concluded that, while homemade is better, the safrole doesnt really add anything.
Ive never played is it any good?
Sure, wax worms and hornworms have a higher fat:protein content than is “healthy” for your captive lizard. A treat is exactly that, you should not feed them only snacks everyday just like your dogs or cats or yourself!
Hornworms are a delicious treat for any lizard large enough to eat them. Bearded dragons seem to love them. If you catch them and put them into a container with a food/water source anyone with a pet like that will happily pay you for them.
I played Final Fantasy Tactics and I loved it. Is there anyone that has a list of games like it?
I dont like the idea of having a portal to somewhere so close to Super Earth. I cant wait to bring managed democracy to whatever comes through it.
Buried the lede with the return of Creme Savers, too! Can not wait until I get some of them classic sours, long awaited return.
Look, I dont want to be that guy, but have you made sure its plugged in right?