I've been out of town since the Miridia assault started. I was really going to get a taste of the new mission type tonight when I get back. Oh well. Congratulations, Helldivers!
Helldivers 2
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I feel you. Was too busy this week to play, logged in today ready to try the new mission and it's passed.
I don't really feel great about that.
There's a little surprise for those Super Destroyers in Meridia orbit.
You can still warp to the system to see it even if you weren't parked there already
Logged in last night and thought that was super cool. Hope they keep adding new stuff like this!
Pro tip: you can still visit the Meridia system to admire the results!
a beautiful sight
I dont like the idea of having a portal to somewhere so close to Super Earth. I cant wait to bring managed democracy to whatever comes through it.
Don't worry! It's just a black hole. The super earth R&D department has spent many minutes making sure the black hole will not become a portal that could release a long extinct race of squid looking things that made the super weapon.
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Did destroying the shrieker nests do anything?