“Andrew Jackson entered the chat…”
They may have hand picked those
Stick to Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, San Diego and you won’t see it unless you enter the suburbs. LA is a bit more mixed but probably still decent
I was born in Spokane, WA. Am white but with a Celtic name. People have also told me to go back where I come from. This goes beyond pure racism but it’s obvious that the story here and yours are caused by racism.
I went to Argentina for grad school and got married. I'm a permanent resident there and can go anytime I like. My sister is trying to get into the Netherlands through a company.
It is very weird how people are coming in to declare their preference on architecture for some reason.
No, more like edgy teen.
Going to block this noise. Grow up.
This encounter has left me feeling sad about humanity.
Sorry but everyone keeps telling you’re wrong. How can you continue to spout memes? It would be a lot faster and easier to learn something instead.
Nothing saying anyone has to report anything
I’d have been all for mayor Gavin but then he decided to be a centrist corpo lover.