More and more, I think that someone some decades ago explained tariffs to Trump and he did not understand the explanation. He has since been living his own head cannon.
She could also abandon it somewhere, get help, and return some time later.
Note that "kids these days" is the flipside to "old people are out of touch".
I figured! Better way to get a larger audience I suppose. Seems, based on comments, some people were unhappy. I ended up subscribing to the new one though.
I wondered if that was the case.
I wasn't subscribed!
Huh. I thought that DE had won the race to the bottom in the 19th century. Seems they can go lower.
I made up a number when I said 10--it was rhetorical. But from your own story, you're looking at 5 before you're making the money.
Agreed. You'll see it more often associate with religion.
The term you are looking for is “external locus of identity”. And, yes.
I was about to click until I noticed that it's the Bezos Post and moved on instead.
No, they believed that China, Mexico, and Canada would pay the money, not the US consumer.