They’ve been saying this since headphones became a thing. There’s no news here.
Wait till you learn that pre metric Canadian measurements use the same terms but are different.
Careful. Zionists get very sad if you mention that Arabs are Semites.
They may not be for everyone but they help many.
Do therapists tell you to do certain activities specifically to release dopamine?
They are some rare cases where someone becomes a billionaire because something suddenly took off.
I had the exact same experience except that I never got onto Insta because Meta bought it.
I have eaten far too much popcorn this far, but will keep watching the collapse. My account is 17 - 18 years old at this point but I have not logged in for at least a year.
This sort of backlash won't happen, though. There is a conservative culture war underway and it's win at all costs, damn the consequences. These are people who will continue to act against their own self interest.
Shareholder revolt, honestly. The rich shareholders benefit from these sorts of idiots, at least in the short term.
This is one case where I feel no sorrow. People who pursue their BBA/MBA are the worst and try to network themselves up to heaven. They chose this path knowing just how fickle it could be.
Other RTO, yeah, screw the person at top.
I agree. I was being ironic.