So.... Like..... The Red Coats did nothing wro..... What are you trying to say?
joined 2 years ago
Really? I bet it's probably more than a year away though right?
*Self Defiance
No reason, but does anybody have a link to the jacket? I didn't know it had been figured out exactly yet.
Boxy is Queen. There shall be no others before her.
What/when is that image from?
Something something, set of all sets containing/not containing itself.... There's a math joke in here somewhere..... Come back to me I'll figured out.
That this statement is false.
PawnStars: "Best I can do is AIfic"
Wait, was that HIM I saw leaving the temple with a still living goat last week?
What are your new powers?
Me neither, but I did have one marked "Hot new cult hits the scene", so I'm going to mark that space.