
joined 2 years ago
[–] splonglo 20 points 1 month ago

Damn, the one thing she's right on.

[–] splonglo 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

that's a coinidence, guess what I'm going to blame America's impending economic crash on?

[–] splonglo 19 points 1 month ago (1 children)

bro he was clearly slapping a fly on his chest and then throwing it away and then he turned around and did it again c'mon the radical left will say anyone is a nazi these days

[–] splonglo 6 points 1 month ago

Well if it's really absolute then you could legally point a knife at someone and say "give me your money" . You haven't caused physical harm at that point and you're only exercising your freedom of speech.

You could say OK, that's not allowed because you're mugging somebody and that's a threat of violence. But in that case you've carved out an exception for threats of violence and therefore calling for violence against a person or group also becomes not allowed.

What about exceptions for fraud? What about for verbal abuse or harrassment?

And if you're going to have exceptions, then how do you deal with obfuscated language and insinuation? "Would be a real shame if something bad were to happen to your family" - is that allowed? A nice friendly, supportive comment like that? If you can't say that you can't say anything.

Or that's usually how it goes with people defending hate speech or veiled threats of racial violence.

[–] splonglo 2 points 1 month ago

I think disappointment in people is a very reasonable attitude. In fact I think cynicism towards people in general is one of the core defining attitudes of our time, and it transcends political boundaries.

But as a filthy leftoid, I believe that there are socio-economic forces which are responsible for how people are in a given era. The spread of misinformation on the internet, social alienation, poor education with no media literacy, logic or critical thinking - these are not innate flaws in human kind, they are failures of society that can be fixed.

So you can see we have a real problem, because leftism and even liberalism is built upon respect for and faith in humanity - but very few act like it.

[–] splonglo 7 points 1 month ago

Man, Zuck the cuck Fuckerberg is really virtue signalling saying something like that damn

[–] splonglo 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

damn how will the isps afford the maintenance costs of digging up a cable once every 100 years

[–] splonglo 4 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Absolutely right on point A.

Point B: This is wrong and you've obscured the idea. " we ( potential third party voters ) must vote for them because we ( left voters as a whole ) are voting for them " It's not circular logic, they are two different groups.

So as someone who wants the DNC ( and the GOP ) to disappear, here's what I think are the important questions:

  1. At what point does a third party become viable?
  2. How do you build support for a third party when the spoiler effect is real and everyone knows it?

IMO a good idea would be a threshold system. So anyone can join the party and say, " I will vote if there are X commited voters ". If not, the party stands down. They get to build support without spoiling the vote.

This is all theoretical of course since the US may have just had it's last election.

[–] splonglo 22 points 1 month ago

You mean all that oil money that was spent on lying to the public and bribing politicians could have been spent on solving the problem this whole time?

[–] splonglo 32 points 1 month ago (13 children)

Amazing how easily it's happened with barely any effort. We could have fixed climate change 50 years ago but the fossil fuel industry wanted their money so now the earth is fucked

[–] splonglo 11 points 1 month ago

A guy in the US drives about 40 miles on average a day and there's evs that can do 10x that now

[–] splonglo 4 points 2 months ago

In other words, the rich are eating the middle class. They will buy up all property and normal people will be permanently priced out of the market. They have no reason to sell.


Hey, just wondering if anyone had any particular recommendations for specific channels they especially liked?

I've recently been watching some Inkscape tutorials by the channel Logos by Nick and I really like his presentation style. Instead of going into detail about how to do something in particular he'll just make something and on the way you're introduced to multiple features and techniques you didn't even know existed. Very useful especially if you aren't familiar with the software at all ( me )

So if you know of anyone like that for Godot, or any channels that you particularly like, or any particular videos, please post them, I'd be interested in having a look.

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