Then why do a personnel taking of a product you haven't used?
Something wrong with the disk or the storage controller
Keep in kind some filament may be humid out of the box. You can try different methods of drying it for now, but I'd really recommend getting a dryer when you can.
I believe you've confused them with Bambu
I had a similar problem (with Creality K1), fixed it by lowering extrusion rate for first layer (in Orca slicer, but there may be such option in the one you're using too). Changing z-offset would've probably helped too.
You can buy these at around the same price or less, so no point in doing that
Just replace the nozzle. You can try using the cleaning filament in the future, I use it when I'm swapping filaments -especially when I change between different types.
Qidi Q1 Pro looks interesting
I can see people buying used without a dock and getting mad the old one won’t work. But then there’s usb-c so you can at least charge I for handheld;)
Probably a vase or something using vase mode
What I mean is a bordering US state, not another country. I don’t think Canada has the same problem with guns as you guys do.
PETG is pretty easy to print and has a higher temp resistance than PLA