The turd doesn't fall far from the ass hole.
joined 2 years ago
They are both a docker-compose on the same machine.
Can't say I'm surprised. After becoming a Russian vassal, the US swearing fealty to a king is pretty much just going full circle.
On second though...a king has no suzerain. Shouldn't he be like a duke or something?
I had a cup of tea and four cookies for the glory of the empire
Semi-broken? It seems to be working fine for me. Am I missing something?
But outside the US we're still shown the propaganda name inside parenthesis. There's no dispute here. There's only one real name.
Next thing you know they'll change Canada's name to Not-yet-United States of America
Pro-Palestine demonstrators in Portugal assaulted by Israeli tourists
I'm trying to think of something more stupid than this but it's not easy...
Portugal’s bid to attract foreign money backfires as rental market goes ‘crazy’
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Jesus fucking Christ, I wished they had all voted Democrat just to shut you up. Trump is bad enough but hearing you guys complain about this over and over is just too much.
Let it go, for fuck sakes. Deal with it.