Oops.. I'm really bad at checking notifications.
The Steam Deck definitely isn't the ideal way to use VCV because of the screen size but the touch screen does make it easier to pan around. It runs well enough but I haven't really pushed it too hard with tons of modules running.
That midimix looks perfect for what I want to do. Definitely getting that before I build a physical rack. It would be nice to use this for mixing in Reaper as well. I'll get one and try it out with my Steam Deck.
They also get an visual indicator from the flowers we can't see. The bees just need a rough map to the area. Check this shit out: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/flowers-manipulate-light-to-send-secret-signals-bees-180965316/
This explains the waggle dance in a way I like: https://beeprofessor.com/waggle-dance/
More cool info about bees. Bee lifecycles, how queens are made and supercedure are my favorite topics.
https://beehivehero.com/bee-life-cycle/ https://theapiarist.org/supersedure/