- gnome/gtk: https://github.com/GuillaumeGomez/systemd-manager
- kde/qt: https://invent.kde.org/system/systemdgenie
- browser based: https://cockpit-project.org/
- curses: https://github.com/ana-cc/chkservice
Finding women for whom my appearance isn't a dealbreaker. I have moderate to serious rosacea and acne on my face. That filters out 90%+ of women before we even speak to each other.
That name is decades old. XDG stands for "Cross Desktop Group".
A "pure" X environment (e.g. startx xterm
) also doesn't define those variables, but many desktop environments do, just like many shell configurations do.
Thanks, I hadn't heard of that. Time to add a few hundred lines to my dotfiles :)
What makes you think XDG doesn't apply to non GUI apps?
Instant messaging.
20 years ago, there were half a dozen competing major platforms (AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, MSN, etc), like today.
The difference is that you had your choice of half a dozen clients that could each talk to ALL of the platforms. Adium, Trillian, Kopete, etc.
Today's kids have no idea what we lost to the god of profit.
If you're at least a 4/10 woman or an 8/10 man, they are pretty effective. For the rest of us, not so much.
It depends on what sort of games you play. Some games / genres / publishers are much worse about this than others.
Article author seems to have completely fabricated the "10 more". There are no quotes from anyone even hinting at more whistleblowers existing, let alone ten more.
You'd see posts in a community/group/etc based on your trust of the community, unless you've explicitly de-trusted the poster or you trust someone who de-trusts them (and you haven't broken that chain).
As a long time Pandora user... I never want to select individual songs. I want stations, vibes, playlists, etc.
2-3 minutes on what kind of internet connection? How long at 10Mbps?