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[–] some_guy 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Under the Skin. It’s an entire movie about sex that manages to avoid anything even close to titillation.

I mean that as one of the highest possible compliments you could give a film. It’s textbook “nudity for the plot” in a totally non-ironic way. It’s actually impressive, not to mention the film is very well-made in all respects.

[–] some_guy 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

The leftovers is the best written show on television, ever.

It isn’t easy to get through, it doesn’t hold your hand, it doesn’t give you the answers you think you want, and it doesn’t address any of the mysteries it raises.

And somehow every other TV show feels like Blues Clues by comparison. It’s fucking phenomenal in a way no other television has ever even come close to.

[–] some_guy 2 points 8 months ago

You aren’t offering a solution if your solution is the problem. Incredibly condescending point of view you have there.

[–] some_guy 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Well that’s a subjective opinion.

The gameplay loop being 10-15 minutes of running around empty buildings and 30-45s of firefights is objectively boring, though.

I’m glad you like it 👍

[–] some_guy 23 points 8 months ago (3 children)

Pretty sure Shakespeare did his writing on a Smith-Corona Galaxie Deluxe.

[–] some_guy 54 points 8 months ago (17 children)

Battle royale gameplay sucks though. I like competitive games but spending 15 minutes in empty buildings looting, then 4 minutes running from shots that I can’t tell where they’re from, then 30 seconds in a firefight only to die and have to wait for the rest of my teammates to die before I can play again… that’s objectively boring af.

When I get time to spend playing video games, I want to actually play, not spend the whole time just picking up items and guns I never get to use.

[–] some_guy 8 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Is your cat named after the Tolkien character or the shit-talking counterstrike guy?

[–] some_guy 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I absolutely have. I discovered the endless about a month ago and have binged just about everything by they’ve made/worked on in the time since. I am really excited to see where they go next - I haven’t been this fanatical about an indie filmmaker since I saw Pi and fell in love with Aronofsky sometime around 1999.

I am not a marvel fan, but I hear great things about their work on Moon Knight and Loki, so I am hopeful they’ll get a proper-budget film in the near future. What they’ve managed to create on essentially pocket change is leagues above anyone in their class, it’s a really extraordinary talent that is rare for filmmakers of their pedigree.

[–] some_guy 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Check out the documentary Lynch/Oz, it helps put his work in a more straightforward context.

[–] some_guy 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (3 children)

The Endless (also Resolution) by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead.

they’re a bit low-budgety but there’s nothing else on film like them. i love the way the narratives play off of each other (despite being made 6 years apart) and the pacing of information revealed to the audience is masterful.

i don’t see enough people talking about these films!

[–] some_guy 1 points 8 months ago
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