Write code, lots and lots of it. Make it really good, clean code. Rewrite it multiple times if that's what it takes to get it clean. Developing those instincts puts you way ahead of just reading about another damn framework.
This is nuts, and is it an actual special battery too, or just a 1/2AAA or 10180?
I remember Cyansky making some silly lights before, and I guess they are still at it.
Added: I see on the BLF review that the battery is a 16280. No idea if that's a standard sized, but it's definitely uncommon. They could have just used a 16340. Silly.
Added 2: I wonder if it could be a 15270 aka RCR2? I guess 16280 would be close to 1/2A but again it seems weird.
Added 3: per web search, 16280 is fairly common.
Send 'em back where they came from! Oh wait....
Thanks, yes, that is very helpful and is the type of thing I was wondering about, and also whether GCM somehow got wakeups from the baseband instead of just waiting on TCP.
I actually don't know whether I'm running anything right now that uses GCM in any important way. That presumes incoming phone calls and SMS really are alerted by the baseband and not by GCM (not sure if that is true). I'm using K9 from F-droid so presumably with no GCM credentials, and it seems to me (now that I think of it) that it polls IMAP every few minutes or so, somehow without obviously running in the background, hmm.
Anyway for this immediate application I guess I won't worry about battery impact too much unless I really notice a problem. I think listening on a socket is important enough that I should check into how well it works. The SMS approach seems like the lowest overhead in power usage though.
I think they are worse now than they used to be, but they do work for some people. I was always suspicious of the PII gathered so I stayed away from them. Craigslist personals worked back when they existed, and Reddit can work. An important tip: copyedit your SPAG (spelling, punctuation, and grammar) to hell and back before sending a response, since the slightest error WILL hurt your chances.
I had to look up what a Pagani Zonda R was. A $2 mllion race car. Wow. (Spoiler: the one in the guy's apartment wasn't a functional car, but still).
I don't understand how it's worse for the guy in the truck though. I've never used Snapchat so I'm likely missing something.
They don't have email? It's like the 1980s when only nerds had email.
Thanks, I'll look at those. I prefer to install from F-droid so I'll see if they are there.
My phone still has google stuff. I have turned off Google Play Services (GPS) and sometimes the apps squawk but meh. Is GPS somehow related to GCM/FCM? I do get notification dots from a few apps like email, messages, phone, etc. I use K-9 email and someone mentioned that it might just be holding a TCP connection open to an IMAP server, but it doesn't seem to run in the background.
There are also things like the clock/alarm app which presumably always run but which also don't show up on the list of running apps, hmm.
I guess I'm wondering if keeping a network connection open inherently uses power, and if that is how GCM works. I would think a blocked Linux process itself uses almost no power, but the kernel has to keep that connection alive. TCP timeout is usually what, 20 minutes? So there must be a wakeup at least that often.
I guess that GCM actually launches the recipient app if it isn't actually running. Presumably those UP brokers(?) can do the same.
This is also how inetd on linux works, more or less. Is there a reason we don't just use inetd on phones, come to think of it?
Added: per this stackexchange comment, GPS is in fact the client side background app that receives FCM messages and routes them out to other apps on the phone.
Surely she meant "Carve, baby, carve"?