Nice try, Hans Niemann.
Thanks for explaining what it is without making us click something. Using @hoogle on Freenode #haskell is all the TUI I need ;).
I'm on a 4gb machine right now and it's tolerable if I don't do too many things at once, but Google Docs bogs in particular bogs it down.
Get one right now before someone else gets it from under you.
Upgrade that box or repurpose it for something else. Web bloat has made 2gb machines useless for browsing and 4gb marginal, if the user needs Google docs, put in 8gb or more.
Noo that bot is a big wart on reddit. Add something on the client side instead.
My mom lived in NYC at the time of the 9/11 attack. She was certainly within 10 km of the WTC but not super close to it. I tried to call her but couldn't get a phone call to NYC through from California. But, I was in online contact with a friend in Canada who was able to get through to my mom and check that she was ok. It was odd.
Very reliable hard drives don't exist whatever the price. You need RAID. But, look at backblaze drive reliability statistics to identify some obvious problem drives to avoid. It would help if you said what you are trying to do with the drives, what capacity you want, etc.
If the interview was broadcast, there must be video recordings, so what is the big deal about unedited transcripts? They can watch the video and see what she said.
Do they mean they want stuff she said that didn't go on the air? That would be invasive.
When is the next Trump impeachment? We haven't had any for a while, it feels like. Maybe they can finally make one stick.
No link?