Life in the Crimson Corporation is typical: there are good times, when benefit packages and bonuses improve and bad times, when the corporation has to lay off some employees. Only, if one is out of job, one is out of luck. Since everything on Druuge worlds is Corporation property, every ex-employee is instantly trespassing and guilty of stealing corporation property, like air and sunlight. The only suitable punishment in Druuge laws for that is to feed the Furnace. Retired ex-employees are, however, allowed to breathe Corporation air (albeit at decreased rates).
Being homeless is effectively a crime in many jurisdictions, so...
Aren't those guys kinda anti-federalist, except where it benefits them?
I, also, am hip and with it. Witness my funky fresh lingo and in-your-face attitude, home skillet.
So that explains the apparent undead working for them...I only read the first book or three and it's been a minute. This is the sign for me to go back and finish the series.
God help the poor mathematical geniuses who accidentally discover that math. If they're lucky, they end up working for the Laundry.
I wonder what would happen in the same scenario but with John Constantine or Dr. Fate?
That would be phenomenal, but I imagine it's unlikely.
However, if we're in the realm of unlikely scenarios, maybe they can give me a follow-up to Xcom: Enemy Within that proceeds from an Xcom victory in the first game. I never got into Xcom 2 because it ignored the buildup to the greater enemy foreshadowed at the end of Enemy Within. Not knocking those who liked what we just didn't work for me.
Gang, is there like a biological reason cats put their butts in your face? Based on everyone's reaction, it's obviously something we've all seen enough that we find the meme funny or at least relatable.
I do this thing where I pop my ears (like when pressure changes from altitude) and then it's like I'm hearing my breathing inside of my sinuses or something. When I breathe this way, it effectively blocks conversations I don't want to overhear. Do other people do this, or am I odd?