I can hate more than one thing at a time. It's called multi-tasking.
You joke, but I'm not convinced this happened at least once.
Considering how quickly they either bent knee or offered up bribes?
Can't fault 'em.
‘But your data!’
Alright so what about the racist ninteen year old that was able to clone EVERYONE’S data from the treasury?
Not even that. This is attempting to give moral excuse for Othering people. Y'know. Groups that have no power or ability to properly fight back instead of the robber barons and oligarchs that are in the process of dismantling everything.
Right now the only reason I have t ovisit is 'wearing powered armor to a magic school'
Just deleted my account I've had for the past... six years.
This... is fair.
From 'Guy' (Even if i think the opinion is shit. No point in calling him out even if he's unlikely to be here.)
I think these followers and likes counters' places unleash the wrong attitude. People write stuff to collect these by pleasing the potential reader instead of writing just facts. Fights over points and factually wrong answers that gained a lot of up-votes drove me away from reddit and SE. Some even write BS and get terribly upset if you point them to a man page that contradicts their statements.
Communication media should fit the job. Chats be volatile and fast while mail, mailing lists and news are allowing detailed discussions in long articles.
Sending people from twitXter or FB to Mastodon does not help them evolve. It just gives addicts a supposedly more free variant of their drug instead of getting them away from it.
Needless to say I disagree with his assertion, if for no other reason than not everyone wants to flee back to the 90's in terms of how to social/internet
You joke... but I could swear I have legitimately seen cuneiform tablets that basically translate to that very complaint.