As Homer Simpson says; it’s the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems
Australia did it in 1996 and has only had one mass shooting since then in 2018
Let a man dream, would ya?
Golden Eye is the GOAT
I mean, it’s pretty clear in the Bible. Jesus says “You touch the peepee? Straight to hell.” No getting around that.
The irony is that the right to bear arms is a literal amendment to the constitution which the founding fathers did intentionally to set a precedent for future leaders to change and update the constitution. Conservatives who act like strict constitutionalists just completely miss the point of the bill of rights and their favorite amendment to have guns
I can’t imagine covering something that involves so much child murder. You’ve got to be both extremely passionate about spreading the word of these atrocities while also completely dead inside from all the horror you’ve witnessed firsthand
Honestly, 50 years. Reagan and Nixon were dumbshits too provides a long list of therapists that work on an affordable, sliding scale
Truly our greatest tradition
Not with that attitude
I realize it’s just a joke, but from someone whose hangovers were so bad, I literally almost killed myself, I don’t recommend alcohol as medication. Fortunately I’m five years sober and been in therapy since my last drink, so there's that in case anyone needed to hear it