Bullet Train was fun as hell.
Edit: I just realized that I saw John Wick based on, "Hey I want to see a movie today. John Wick? No idea what this is, but if it's in IMAX it might be fun!"
It was.
Bullet Train was fun as hell.
Edit: I just realized that I saw John Wick based on, "Hey I want to see a movie today. John Wick? No idea what this is, but if it's in IMAX it might be fun!"
It was.
I'm a huge fan of cookie dough, cookies and cream, and birthday cake. But if I had to choose a single flavor, it'd be good, strong vanilla.
I enjoyed this.
God I love that movie.
I figured it's like a pina colada but with just a ton of pesto in it.
Probably not true about all ND traits, but many are things that exist in most people and are either magnified or muted in ND people.
I've never been diagnosed ND; though I had a psychologist suggest I might have Asperger's at one point back when that was the language used, it was never followed up on. So maybe I'm ND? But I wouldn't claim to be.
But no two people are neurally identical. Saying that someone is neurodivergent essentially has to mean that they're far enough from the baseline/average to qualify as such.
I know there are specific diagnostic criteria, but those are largely based on determining how different someone is from typical and how it affects them. But almost every trait that is present with autism is present in neurotypical people as well, just to a different degree.
That's not a universal statement or anything, just a vague generalization.
Additionally, eight ounces of steak might be lean. (It also might not, of course.) Eight ounces of hamburger, especially one from a fast food restaurant, is absolutely not lean beef.
I've never used an infrared sear station, so I'm not sure. Googling it, it's supposed to be a really good way to get a sear, apparently? But no idea, personally.
It's a Kamado, so it gets . . . hot. The temperature gauge maxes out at 900 F, and the manufacturer recommends a max of 750. Doing pizza on it, I've hit 800 intentionally, but that's not great for the seals (which I've had to replace, lol). I have maxed out the thermometer before, because I walked away too long while trying to hit 800 for pizza, which means I've gone at least over 900, but I have no way of knowing how far. At that point fire is just blasting up out of the top vent and the whole thing looks like a jet engine. At that point, you un-stainless all your stainless steel, which is . . . annoying.
I was aiming for at least 600 for this sear, and just happened to catch it around 650. I didn't notice a harsh flavor, but it's possible that if a sear that hot was uniform instead of concentrated on those grill marks, it would've messed stuff up.
Dunno what to tell you, lol. The marks are from about 50 seconds each, because after 50 seconds on my timer, I grabbed the steak and turned it to get that second set of grill marks. Took a few seconds to get my glove on and get in there to grab the bone, so I'm estimating about a minute per set of marks, so about two minutes per side. Perhaps slightly less.
Get the grate up over 600 degrees and make sure that the iron itself has soaked in the heat, you'll get dark grill marks very quickly.
Edit: The steak was over 100 degrees when put on to sear, so it's not like it had to come up from refrigerator temperatures, either.
I grilled it nice and black, to make it amazing, lol.
It's an underground tunnel connecting a few buildings almost half a mile away from each other.